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1963-67 Lycee Francais, Stockholm, Sweden:
Fluent idiomatic written and spoken French. All the usual general subjects.
1967-70 Dulwich College Preparatory School, Cranbrook, Kent.
13+, Common Entrance Examination. All the usual general subjects including Maths and English.

1970-75 Benenden School For Girls, Benenden, Kent.
Internal Scholarship gained bycompetitive examination to this exclusive public school for girls.
'O' Level Latin, Biology, Geography, History, French, English Language, English Literature, Spanish. 'A' Level French, Spanish and English. Special Level English with Merit.
General Science, Art and Drama studied. Awarded prizes in the annual Hobbies competitions for projects on Cosmology, Geology,Poetry and Drama writing and production.
Editor of theschool magazine. Sports; lacrosse, swimming, judo.
Gained a place to study at the well-known University of Exeter.
Decided to take some months off before going to Exeter to read English.

1976-79 Read English Literature at the University of Exeter.
After a conventional first year studying everything from Anglo-Saxon to William Faulkner, chose the American and Commonwealth Arts course, writing research projects on modern American poetry, narrative photography and Hollywood Cinema, as well as 19th Century literature and the cartoons of Schultz-"Peanuts."
From 1976 I was in receipt of a generous grant from the European Commission.
Graduated in 1976 with an Upper Second Class Honours Degree in English.

1979-82 Studied various subjects in various institutions at home and abroad. Qualified as a commercial and technical translator (French), acquired pretty fluent Italian and a knowledge of history of art, particularly to do with the Renaissance in Italy. Also fluent in Castilian Spanish.
1992. Graduated from a four week intensive training course at the British Language Centre, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
with a DIPLOMA in teaching English as a foreign language.

Was first published nationally as a poet in the literary journal, Orbis, the erstwhile journal of the International Poetry Society, also in the Jubilee edition of Outposts under the heading 'New Writers' alongside such luminaries as Elizabeth Jennings, three Shakespearean sonnets taken from a sequence of 66.
Also the Autumn 1995 edition in English of Bike Market Update, ed. Grace Ruan, Wheel Giant, Changhua, Taiwan, where I worked for a while as English editor/re-writer/translator. 'Re-writing' in the Far East is the skill of taking your (usually) Chinese boss's pidgin English and turning it into fluent eloquent technical editorial.
A poem of mine was published in March 2003 in the 'Mallorca Daily Bulletin', the English-language newspaper for the Balearic islands, Spain.

A good selection of my work is published on the following website under 'Fiction' and 'Poetry':
I am fluent in IT terminology as well as computer use and some programming.

1982-87 Worked freelance as a technical translator and for a small architect's practice in London, as company secretary. I hold a diploma in commercial translation (French).
Helped win a negligence case in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court.
Did various temporary paralegal and document formatting jobs.
1987-90 Worked as the sole in charge at night at the Pembridge Court Hotel, Notting Hill Gate, looking after rock stars and media personalities in the dead hours whilst doing academic research during the day.
I left for a more attractive job in estate management in a fairly untouristed part of Mallorca.
During this time I was published in 'Outposts', see above. Bought an Amstrad PCW8256 and got it to play 'bacteria'. Mostly used it to bomb periodicals with copy.
1990-93 Lived and worked in the Tramuntana Mountains of Mallorca.
Some language work, writing as usual, also working on the land.
Tough but interesting, since I was maintaining agricultural engineering work unchanged since the Moors ruled Spain. Qualified as an English language teacher and taught in the local language school on a supply basis.
1994-96 Travelled and worked teaching business English and writing in Guatemala, Spain, Sri Lanka, India and Taiwan.
Went around the world to the bicycle industry trade fairs courtesy of Grace Ruan, Wheel Giant, as her English editorial assistant on her trade magazines serving clients of the Chinese bicycle and stationery industries.
1996-97: Feb-Oct 1996 I was in Mallorca again, writing a series of stories which prompted Alan Samson of Littlebrown to ring me up fulsomely when my agent sent him a copy.
Unfortunately that project did not pass the accountants' hurdle.
During this time I discovered the Internet as a medium for trade and became fascinated with its uses for communication on a global scale.

1997-1999 Grounded in England for family reasons (mother dying). Took crash courses in HTML and JavaScript.
Designed various websites of my own for myself and others using the latest applications and technology, and a lot of my own raw code and images from my digital camera..
Now Internet, PC, Mac fluent.
After further travels to keep up with old friends and colleagues, from September 1998 to the end of May 1999 I worked full-time in the travel and literature departments of Foyle's Bookshop, Charing Cross Road.
This was initially in the travel department, until I was moved to take charge of English Literature.

I work in Microsoft Word for Windows on my own laptop computer and am familiar with almost all software for office purposes, also website design packages and image editing suites.
CURRENTLY: I recently finished working for a semester as a Professor of English with the English Department of the Rajabhat University, in the south of Thailand at Suratthani. I am now in Bankok and available for work, after having spent some time researching a book in Penang, Malaysia.

Name: Rosemary Charlotte Appleton. Date of Birth: 12/9/57

For an appointment and references: CONTACT ME
I am not currently equipped with a working telephone.