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Hey!!! My brother just got me Paint Shop Pro so it will be a LOT easier to make a dollmaker! So I've decided to start the dollmaker back up again! It will take awhile to have enough props for a decent dollmaker...but I hope you will appreciate what I have! Thanks everyone!

Just click on the part you want and drag it onto a body! (The bodies move too!) Then on your keyboard find the button near the top that says "Print Screen" Press that and it will copy what is on the computer screen. Open some type of paint program (Microsoft Paint or Paint Shop Pro) and paste it in. Crop it to the size you want and viola!

Thank you sooo much to Princess Kcv! You can E-mail here at! She donated a lot of parts for me! And she does have a webpage!
All the Small and Cute Things
Thank you also to everyone who has tried to donate parts but it didn't show up in my E-mail! Thank you! I haven't had time to put the donated parts up but I really appreciate it! Thank you soo much!








匕ants, skirts, and shorts


九xtra stuff

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