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The AXE Effect
by Alan
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 - 7:42 PM PST

It took me awhile to finish today's strip. I was very busy today, that's why it took so long for me to get the strip up. I have been on schedule for the past three weeks now. I'm actually finishing comics now, it's amazing. I hope I can keep it up. Today's comic is the follow up to Dick & Brodie's "How to pickup chicks!". And yes, I plugged AXE deodorant in today's strip. I don't know why, but I did. I've been using it for a long time now. It may not attract women like it says on the bottle, but at least you'll smell nice. And that's a good thing!

The current story arc is kind of confusing. That's mostly my fault for not planning out. I should have done a better job. I'll try to explain what's happening right now in chibitokyo.

It all starts when I go to a rave with my friend Norman. Back at our place Eddie confronts who he thinks is a burglar. He takes out his rocket launcher and destroys most of the living room area. Eddie finds out that this guy is not a burglar, but a friend of mine named Burt Ferguson. To pay off bills and repairs, Alan and Eddie agree to work for the Yakuza. That's pretty much the gist of it.

The current story arc involving the Yakuza will be ending in a couple of weeks. I feel that it has run it's course. This story was pretty much the setup for things to come. I wanted to introduce most of the characters and their stories. In the next story arc I plan on concentrating on character development. I plan on using more of the current characters, and introduce new ones as well. I have some great stuff planned out, so stay tuned.

The Academy Awards
by Alan
Sunday, February 29, 2004 - 11:35 PM PST

I watched the Academy Awards tonight. I thought it was a good show, Billy Crystal did a good job of hosting this year. It was a good night for Lord of the Rings. It went a perfect 11/11, winning every single category it was nominated for.

Lost in Translation is another movie that I want to talk about. If you haven't seen it, go check it out, it's a really good movie. I'll probably do a review on it soon. Anyways, Lost in Translation was nominated for three awards. Best picture, best director, best screenplay, and best actor. It won best screenplay, which I think it deserved. Bill Murray lost to Sean Penn for best actor. I was bummed when Bill lost, I really wanted him to win.

I finished the FAQ's section the other day. So, if you haven't already, check it out. It'll answer most of the questions you have about chibitokyo. The next comic is on schedule, I should have it done by Tuesday night. I think the next strip may be one of the funniest I have ever come up with. I'll be back with another update soon. Hopefully I'll have my Lost in Translation review done by then.

Random Stuff
by Alan
Wed February 18 2004 - 11:02 PM PST

I came up with a new schedule for chibitokyo. From now on there will be a new comic every Wednesday. I'll start with one a week, then work my way up. So, expect the next comic next Wednesday.

I'm in the process of re-doing all the comics. I'm going to be adding new dialogue, and fixing a lot of the mistakes.

The art galery needs work too. I went through a lot of my sketches today and cleaned them up.

I've been doing a lot of work on chibitokyo the past few weeks. It's starting to look like a webcomic. Well, that's it for now. I'll be back with another update soon.

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© Keeping It Real 2001-2004 Alan Palacpac, all rights reserved bi-atch!
The events and characters depicted in this web comic are fictitious ( most of them anyway ). Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events is purely coincidential.