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Cat-Tea Corner


Cat-Tea Clips

Pages and pages of clip art with cat themes and tea themes.

Free for personal and not-for-profit (non-commercial) use only for web sites and other online and off-line purposes.

Commercial users, both online and off-line, please contact us for terms before using any of these images.

All users must post a prominent linkback or credit to Cat-Tea Clips© on their web sites or other materials.

Send us your URL to list here under our Web sites decorated with Cat-Tea Clips.


Tea 7: Miscellaneous tea images.

Please note:
If you arrived at this page direct from a search engine or other web site, please see the Cat-Tea Clips home page for important information about these images.

Please! If you use our images, we ask that you add a link back to this web site: Cat-Tea Clips© at . Or use one of the linkbacks on the Cat-Tea Clips© home page. By using any of our images, you agree to place a linkback on each page where the image(s) appear, or you may place the linkback prominently on your Links page. Be a good netizen!

To download, place the mouse pointer over the image and click the right mouse button. Select "Save image ..."


teacups.jpg (1051 bytes)
teacups2.jpg (1178 bytes)  
teacups4.jpg (1873 bytes)
teacups5.jpg (1911 bytes)
  teacups6.jpg (1815 bytes)
teabanr.gif (1444 bytes)
The above image is suitable for a banner; add your own text.


The above image is suitable for a tiled background.


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Cat-Tea Corner

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All materials contained herein Copyright ©1997-2006 The Cat-Tea Corner/JPB unless otherwise noted.
All rights reserved. For design or reprint information please contact the webmaster.
This page last updated 12 August 2006