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"Ignorance is bliss and I'm a very happy man" -Dan Sheridan

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The musical piece you are listening to is called "Lagrima", a classical guitar piece by Tarrega. It means teardrop.
Some people look at works by artists like Picasso and believe that it is junk. Myself, I feel that the artist is just exploring the possibilities of his own mind. Looking for different ways of seeing the same thing. Poets do the same thing and call it poetic license.
It's my opinion that artists who are willing to explore the fantastic, or unusual are showing some appreciation for the mind which God gave us. (There are exceptions to this: such as 'artists' that merely throw paint upon a canvas. [This is not appreciation, nor is it exploration. It is only mental and physical laziness.])
That is not to say that realists are not as mentally keen as the abstract artists are. They are just using their mental powers in a different way. To attempt to transfere a three-dimensional creation of God to a two-dimensional surface, and to add one's emotions at the time,(by choice of color, perspective, ect.), as a painter of realism does is no easy task. It takes clarity of mind as well as a deep appreciation for the creation itself.
What I would like to convey here is just that both art forms are indeed art. After all there are many things in life itself that could be called abstract. Besides things such as love, hate, ect. there are indefinite things like a wisp of smoke. So, look around you every day and enjoy the variety in life and art, and everything.

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"All that is not given is lost." - Siddartha Gauthama
Please come back and visit again for more of my thoughts on life, art and everything else....
Till next time.....

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Virtual Library -- Lots of reading here

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