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Someone who believes that cannabis should be completely legal.  Everyone should be allowed to at least try marijuana, and if they like it, they should be allowed to smoke it without fear of prosecution.  

I am from Canada.  I enjoy many things, not just marijuana, including: reading, sports, movies, etc.  I may or may not smoke marijuana.  Maybe I do, maybe I don't.  What does that matter anyway?

I would like to tell you more about myself, but I don't think that that would be a good idea.  Anyways, it's not important.  If you want to get to know me better, please PM (private message) me at the Cannabis Culture forums.  My user name is Shiznitz.  



E-mail me by clicking here.

Go to the Cannabis Culture forums, and send a PM to Shiznitz.



I thought it would be fun.  Marijuana is one of many interests in my life, and by building this web site I have learned a lot about cannabis.  

I wanted to let others, like yourself, know the truth about marijuana.  I think that this web site  is a good place to learn a lot about marijuana in an unbiased, truthful way.  There will never be any misleading or untruthful information found on this web site, only examples of them.

Since I have started this web site, I have improved my HTML skills 500%.  I have also learned how to type faster, gather information more efficiently, spell better, organize myself more effectively, etc. 

Hopefully my web site will inspire you to create a site about anything that you are interested in.  If you ever want to exchange links, you can always contact me through the forums or by e-mail. was DELETED, but is now back up.  Since I already started an exact replica of the site at, I've decided to just keep both of them up.  If one of them is suddenly deleted again, I will have the other site acting as a back-up.  If both go down, please e-mail me for the new location.



I would like to thank ALL the marijuana activists out there, because without you guys, I probably would have never learned the truth about marijuana and the war on drugs.  

I want to also thank everyone who visits this site.  I hope that you learn something, and I am glad to know that you are searching for the truth.  

I give my thanks to all the sources from which almost all of the info. on this page came from.  Without these other web pages, I would have been lost when collecting data about marijuana myths, facts, etc.  I appreciate what you are all doing: spreading the truth about marijuana and the war on drugs.  Thank you.

A big thanks to all the marijuana fans.  Keep fighting for legalization, and to all those smokers who are smoking pot but aren't helping out, GET ACTIVE!  Trust me, it's very fun and interesting.  To all the anti-marijuana supporters: I hope that your views about marijuana and the war on drugs will change after reviewing this web site and other sites like this.  I believe that after reviewing the facts, it is obvious that: a) marijuana should be legalized, and b) the war on drugs is not working; alternatives need to be sought after.



This web site was created on March 19th, 2001.  All sections of this web site are being updated whenever I get the chance to.  If you ever want to send me information about something that you feel should be included on this web site, please contact me.

A lot of the information found on this web site was taken from other sources.  All sources are listed.  I will never use someone else's work as my own.  Credit goes to the rightful owner.  If I ever include some of my own thoughts in someone else's work, my writing will be in white.

If you think that you would like to participate in the construction of this web site, please contact me.  Basically, we will agree on what part of the site you will work on, you'll submit your work to me, and I will put it on-line. (Providing that  the content sounds good, and looks the same as the other pages throughout this site)  Then... Congratulations! You've become a contributor to this web site!  Credit will be given to you for the work that you do.

For some "legal" information about this web site, please see the web site Disclaimer