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Marijuana myths.  We've all heard them.  Maybe we even believe some of them.  Some of us might have even told the occasional myth to someone we know, thinking it was true.  This section will cover all of the myths surrounding marijuana, as well as: their history, reasons as to why they were created, and information about who still uses them as "facts".  Since this is a new web site, there isn't much to see here yet.  I assure you that in a couple of months, this section will be completed.  For now, please visit to read about some of the myths surrounding marijuana. 



Marijuana Myths  -  An extensive collection of all the myths about marijuana.  Some sound a bit true, and others are so unbelievable that it's crazy if you think they are true. (INCOMPLETE)

The Origin & History of the Myths  -  When were all these lies thought up?  Who made them up, and who made them seem like facts to the public? (NOT ACCESSIBLE YET)

Why These Myths Were Created  -  Why did these myths become some popular?  Did everyone actually believe these lies?  If so, why? (NOT ACCESSIBLE YET)