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Recently I made this email tag for someone, and was asked how I did it. I decided I would write a little tutorial using Paint Shop Pro (PSP7), You should be able to do this with any version of Paint Shop though.

Well first I opened the image I was going to use:
(click graphic to download tube)

Then I made a striped background with the colors from the Butterfly:( I made a tutorial for that too, but haven't published it yet... you can save this one and use it if you like)

Now you want to open a new workspace (300x300) and make a rounded rectangle in the middle of it like this:

Now you want to flood fill your rectangle with the striped background that you made. You do that by selecting your flood fill tool (the little paint can) and setting the style (or foreground) to texture, and selecting your striped background as the image for it. Then you position your paint can over the rectangle and click. You should now have something that looks like this:

Now that you have your fill in place, you want to dress it up a bit. Go to Effects> Plugins> Eyecandy 3> Swirl. I used these settings, you can use what you like:

When you apply your effect you should have something that looks like this:

Now we add a glass effect: Go to Effects> Plugins> Eyecandy 4000> Glass. These are the settings I used, but again, use what you like.

(That Bevel Width is 6.59 if you can't tell)

You won't see much of a change in your image, but it looks a little glassier :) LOL Now deselect, add your butterfly, your text, and be sure to sign your work!! LOL. You should have something that looks like this:

Well that's my first Tutorial, I hope you enjoyed making this tag. :) If you have any questions please email me:

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