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Win an Award!

Well, I have some awards for website owners to try to win! If you think your site deserves an award, e-mail me at and try for one! I need your name and e-mail address, the site title and URL, the award(s) you want to try for, and why. You don't have to say which award you want; if you don't know, or want more than one, leave it blank and I'll judge your site and decide which one(s) are most appropriate ^_^ please put something like 'award application' in the subject, or I might end up thinking you're a lunatic...

Beautiful Bishonen Award This award if for people that have a beautiful site dedicated to beautiful bishonen! If you have put a lot of effort into your bishonen site and made is easy to use and pretty also, then this is the award for you!

Chibi Site Award
For sites that are sooooo totally chibi chibi kawaii! All the really cute sites deserve this award!


Pretty Site Award
This is for people that have nice and pretty sites. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, y'know! This is one of the most easily won awards. If your site is navigatable and looks presentable, then you'll win it!


Kawaii Fantasy Manga award
This is for sites that have original Fantasy manga on them - as in, drawn by the webmistress. So far, Oi Doragon! is the first site to win this! It's oh so kawaii!!


Shoujo Sparkle award
This is for sites that have great shoujo manga/anime content. Things like Sailor Moon, anything by CLAMP or Narumi Kakinouchi, or stuff in that style counts as 'shoujo'. So if you have a site dedicated to this beautifl art, then you might get this award!


Silver Site award
The Silver award, this is for sites that have outstanding design and content. It's easier to get than the Gold award (which is very hard to get, more so in the fact I lost it for a short time too... ^_^;;), but it's still a pretty tough award to receive.


Golden Site award
The Golden Site award...very hard to receive, your site must have great and informative content, and also have a very nice yet easy to navigate interface. It's very very tough to receive...

Remember, all sites are judged on presentability, and content! If you only have a collection of 'under construction' signs, I'll either think you are totally unprepared for any awards, or you're setting up a site for the collection of 'under construction' signs, which don't really count as an anime site, do they? ^_~ So make sure your content is there.
