Everyone Loves a Barrel of Fun
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Yeah, so I became aware that this page is linked from Robby's page. It totally sucked. Now it nearly sucks just as much. But at least I spent 5 minutes spicing it up. That's right, I spiced it up. Eat it. Yum

You could really have fun with this barrel
One time I was playing Super Smash Brothers. This is the barrel. OMG it was fun

Eat it Donahoe
This is my ex-boss. He was a turd. Turds do not belong in urinals, but Donahoe thought he did. What a stupid moron.

Mikey Paige -- So Far Mikey Paige -- So Far w/ a much better solo, and altogether better recording, except maybe the voices... cause I can't sing with this cold or whatever it is that I have been cursed with. Mikey Paige -- The Look