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Opportunities here for joining a dig, learning all about surveying and geophysical prospection, learning to identify artefacts, and much more.

VindolandaDig at on Hadrian's Wall.
Volunteer for a week or more.

The World Guide to Archaeological and Heritage Volunteering

The Schools Committee of the Roman Society, invites applications for its new archaeological fieldwork bursaries for 16-18 year olds, covering costs of up to £150 per week to enable applicants to participate on an archaeological project. The project should have some links to Roman Studies. To apply candidates should contact first the Director/Principal of the project they wish to join. The Director should then write a short letter confirming his/her willingness to take the candidate on the project. This letter should also specify what and how training will be provided, digger/student ratio.It should also confirm that the candidate, if accepted on the project, would be fully insured. Finally a copy of the project risk assessment/health and safety guidlines should accompany the letter from the director.

The candidate should then send a copy of the Director's letter and risk assessment, with a covering letter to Dr Helen Cockle, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU by 4th February 2004. The covering letter should outline the candidate's reason for applying, their other sources of finance, and the amount requested. It should be clear from the letter exactly what costs the award is expected to cover. Candidates are advised that in the event of strong demand for these bursaries, it may not be possible to award grants to cover more than one week at a time.

Information on fieldwork opportunities may be found at (see "fieldwork opportunities") or Alternatively, candidates may seek information on opportunities in their local museum, library or university.