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Also known as chronometric dating

  1. Until c.1900, all dating depended on historical methods

    i.e. connections with chronologies and calendars established by people in written documents


    • Romans dated in terms of Consuls and Emperors and AUC
    • Greeks reckoned from Olympic Games, started in 776BC
    • Egyptians reckoned in terms of successive Kings and Dynasties


    • E.g. Mayan calendar, giving great precision for Classics Period (AD 300 - 900)

2. Historical chronology is easy to use, when lots of artefacts are found related to it, often carrying the date on them e.g. coins

3. To date a coin or any artefact is not the same thing as to date the context in which it is found

    • Date of coin = year it was made
    • (sealed) deposit can be no earlier than date on the coin but could be later
    • coin gives a TERMINUS POST QUEM = a date after which the deposit may have been lain down

4. Cross Dating

    • The use of exports and imports to extend chronological linkages
    • E.g. Aegean pottery turning up in a well-dated Egyptian context
    • Gives a TERMINUS ANTE QUEM = a date before which the deposit may have been lain down
    • Or Egyptian objects turning up on Aegean sites
    • Still only a rough guide to absolute dating; nowadays superseded by scientifically based methods
Tree Ring Dating - Dendrochronology
    • Used in Europe since 1930s
    • Computerised since 1960s


    1. To calibrate or correct radiocarbon dates
    2. An independent dating method in its own right
    3. Its precision can document the founding, expansion and usage of a settlement


    1. New ring of wood produced each year
    2. Thickness varies with · fluctuations in climate · age of the tree (rings become narrower with increasing age)
    3. Trees of same species, from same area show same pattern of rings, \ · growth sequence can be matched between successively older timbers to build up a chronology for an area
    4. Not necessary to cut tree down - a sample can be bored
    5. Match sequence of growth rings in living and old timbers to give chronology for several thousands of years
    6. A tree ring sequence of e.g. 100 years is matched with 100 year sequence in master sequence - to give felling date of that timber to within one year
    7. Long Master Sequences have been established, against which to check and calibrate radiocarbon dates

Limitations of Dendrochronology

      • Not a worldwide method of dating because it cannot be applied to the tropics where there are no clearly defined annual rings
      • It is restricted to wood for which there is a master sequence - some local chronologies remain "floating" i.e. cannot be tied into a master sequence
      • The date found is the date of felling , not the date when it became part of any structure, so it may be earlier or later than the structure of which it is a part
Radiocarbon Dating
    • The work of Willard Libby, in 1949
    • Single most important method of dating for last 50,000 years
    • Has inaccuracies, sometimes caused by archaeologist


Cosmic radiation bombards atmosphere
Creates high energy neutrons
neutrons react with nitrogen in the atmosphere
Creates radiocarbon i.e. carbon14 isotope which is unstable (has 8 neutrons in nucleus, not regular 12 of carbon12)
radioactive decay at known rate: 5568 years = 1/2 the carbon14 in any sample to decay
    • So, compare the "constant" background radiation level (flawed because it is variable over time) with sample to be dated
    • Background radiation: 75 disintegrations per minute
    • Sample: 371/2 disintegrations gives age of 5730 years
    • Calculate the age of dead plant or animal by how much radiocarbon is left in the sample
    • Samples may be of charcoal, wood, seeds, human or animal bones

Disintegration: each atom decays by releasing beta particles, emissions are counted by a Geiger counter

2. Uncertainty of measurement

    • Counting of emissions is open to error
    • Background atmospheric radiation varies in its concentration of 14C due to change in the Earth's magnetic field

3. Accelerator Mass Spectometry

    • Since 1980s, special gas counters, take very small samples
    • Counts 14C atoms directly, disregarding their radioactivity

4. Calibration of Radiocarbon dates

    • Needed, to account for variation in concentration of 14C due to change in the Earth's magnetic field
    • Tree ring dating corrects this
    • Shows radiocarbon dates before 100BC are increasingly too young
    • Pushing back of these dates = "Second Radiocarbon Revolution"




Potassium - Argon Dating
  • works on the principle of radioactive decay
  • Potassium is abundant throughout minerals in the Earth's crust

    K-AR method

  • Used by geologists to date rocks hundreds/thousands/millions of years old
  • Therefore, appropriate for dating early human sites (up to 5 million years old, especially E. African)
  • Technique is restricted to volcanic rock no more recent than 100,000yrs
  • Based on radioactive decay
Radioactive isotope
decays to
inert gas

Decay rate;

        Half life = c. 1.3 billion year

      • A measure of the quantity of argon40 trapped within 10gr rock sample gives an estimate of the date of the rock's formation
      • The less of argon40 there is, the more recent was the formation of the material involved.

        Limiting factors
        • Error estimate can be as much as 30,000 years (but still only 2% of the total age…)
        • Can only be used to date sites buried by volcanic rock
        • Can also use pumice in laser-fusion argon-argon dating
                          • More sensitive and needs smaller sample
                          • Has been used on Vesuvius

Thermoluminescence - TL clock
  • One of 3 methods depending on amount of radiation received by the specimen to date, NOT the radiation emitted by it
  • Only used for dating crystalline materials (minerals)
  • Analyses behaviour of electrons within a crystal when exposed to radiation
  • They absorb energy and become trapped in lattice defects
  • Can date POTTERY (unlike radiocarbon)-the most abundant inorganic material on archaeological site of last 10,00 years
  • But poorer precision than radiocarbon


  • Made of clay, containing "high" level of radiation
  • Loses it when fired
  • TL clock set to zero
  • Starts to build up again when in use and then buried
  • Artificially fired in laboratory to measure light radiation emissions
Obsidian Hydration
  • Depends on the decay of a substance
  • Based on measurement of microscopically thin layer which forms on the surface of Obsidian
  • (natural volcanic glass, popular alternative to flint for manufacture of flaked tools)


  • Formed by absorption of water
  • Starts as soon as fresh surface is exposed
  • But does not form at constant rate and is especially sensitive to changes in temperature
  • May weather at different rates in different geological sources
  • Can only be considered a relative dating technique
                • (like dating of bone)
  • can be used to check contemporaneity of artefacts from same deposit, as a check for modern forgeries.