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Amarna Glossary

To aid the visitor understanding some complicated terms and/or Egyptian words. :)

Akh, Akhet & Ankh - These words look awfully similar, and are often confused (You do not know how often I've seen AKHesenamen and ANKHenaten! And these are not typos: they are spelled incorrectly this way consistantly.), so I will try to clear it up:
Akh = "Spirit" It is in aspect of the soul, like the more well-known Ka & Ba
Akhet = "Horizon"
Ankh = "Life" or a variant thereof (ie. Living, Lives, etc...)

Akhet-Aten (Akhetaten) - "Horizon of Aten". The ancient name for Amarna (Tell el-Amarna), Akhenaten's capital in middle Egypt.

Aten (Aton, Iten) - the Sun-Disc. The sole (official) God during the Amarna Period. In glyphs it is spelled I-t-n.

Amun (Amon, Amen, Imen) - The "Hidden One," the King of the Gods during the New Kingdom. His main center of worship was Thebes (Waset) and he was thus the patron of the House of Thebes, the ruling family of the 18th dynasty. That is, until Akhenaten rejected him.
In hieroglyphs, Amun is written as follows: I-mn-n. This is why names like Tutankhamen and Ankhesenamen can be spelled so many different ways -- Amen, Amon and Amun are all just approximations of how it would have been pronounced.

Co-Regent - A king who rules at the same time as another king. This was common in many dynasties in Egypt. In most cases, it was the Crown Prince who was made a co-ruler with his father, in order for the Prince to learn how to be a King.

Dahamunzu - Ta-hemet-nesu: "The King's Wife." How the Egyptian queen (Ankhesenamen?) signed her letters to the Hittites.

Hemet Nesu Weret - "Queen." The Egyptian's had no word for "Queen." A Pharaoh had many wives, but (normally) only one Hemet Nesu Weret: Great Royal Wife or King's Great Wife. She would be the 'Queen' in the modern sense of the word, the first lady of Egypt.

Ka - an aspect of the soul. A person's spiritual double. It is also a common element in many ancient Egyptian names, like SmenkhKAre.

Kemet - What the Egyptians called Egypt. It means "The Black Land," refers to the dark, fertile soil of the Nile valley.

Ma'at (Maat, Maet, Mayet) - Truth, Justice, Divine Order. Also a Goddess who is patroness of the same.
Ex: Ankh em MA'AT: "Living in TRUTH."

Mennefer - an ancient name for the Egyptian city of Memphis, where Tutankhamen's court most likely went after they left Amarna.

Mut - Mother. Mut also was a goddess, the wife of Amun. In hieroglyphs, her name is spelled something like: M-w-t. (Tutankhamen's name is like that too! The 'u' in 'Tut' is probably more correctly written as 'w', but that's difficult to say! Twt, that is. :)
Mut Nesu - King's Mother = 'Dowager Queen'

Neb & Nebet - Neb: Lord, Master; Nebet: Lady, Mistress.
Ex: in NEBkheperure: "LORD of the Manifestations of RE." or Nebet-Tawy: "LADY of the Two Lands."

Nefer, Neferu & Nefert - Good, Beautiful, Perfect. Nefert is the feminine version of Nefer, Neferu or Nefru is the plural.
Ex: NEFERTiti: "The Beautiful One Has Come."

Nesu - Royal, of the King.
Ex: Sit NESU "King's Daughter" or "Royal Daughter."

Netjer, Netjert, & Netjeru - Netjer: God, Divine; Netjert: Goddess, Divine (fem); Netjeru: Gods.
Ex: Ay's title of It Netjer: "DIVINE Father" or "God's Father."

Per'aa - Great House: "Palace". It is also the Egyptian title that developed into the word "Pharaoh." Think of how Americans use "the White House."
Ex: "The White House repsonded today by placing economic sactions on such-and-such a country." The house itself didn't do anything, but the people who live/work in the house did. See? :)

Re (Ra) - the Sun, a Sun God.
Ex: SetepenRE: "Chosen of RE" or "Chosen of the SUN."

Sen & Senet - Sen = brother. Senet = sister.
Sen Nesu - King's Brother = 'Prince'
Senet Nesu - King's Sister = 'Princess'
Senet is also the name of an Egyptian board game.
Lovers also called each other "Brother" and "Sister."

Si & Sit - Si (or Sa) = Son. Sit (or Sat) = Daughter.
Si Nesu - King's Son = 'Prince'
Sit Nesu - King's Daughter = 'Princess'
Si Re (or Sa Ra) - Son of Re, one of the titles of a King, it preceeded his birth name. (ie. Neb-Tawy, Nebkheperure; Si Re, Tutankhamen)

Waset (Wast) - The ancient name for the city of Thebes. Thebes was the city where the ruling family of the 18th dynasty came from orignally. It was also the religious capital during most of said dynasty.

Wer & Weret - Great, Large, Cheif. (Aa -- as in per'aa -- means something similar) Weret is the feminine version of Wer.
Ex: Hemet-Nesu-WERET "King's GREAT Wife."