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"A State treasure!" -Star Ledger             "The most professional kids troupe around!" -Peter Felicia, Theatre Critic

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« Spring 2001 Tech Week Schedule »

Monday April 30th ANNIE 4:00 PM Call
Tuesday May 1st NO, NO NANETTE 4:00 PM Call
Wednesday May 2nd ANNIE 4:00 PM Call
Thursday May 3rd APPLE TREE** 4:00 PM Call
Friday May 4th  Opening Night: ANNIE 4:00 PM Call
Saturday May 5th APPLE TREE*** 8:30 AM Call


**NO, NO NANETTE will have an additional Tech/Dress Rehearsal on this day should Tuesday's Tech/Dress indicate an additional Tech is necessary - NO,NO NANETTE cast & crew leave this day available as YOU WILL BE "ON CALL"


***Should the May 3rd Tech/Dress for Apple Tree be replaced by NO, NO NANETTE the APPLE TREE Tech/DRESS will occur at 8:30 AM on Saturday May 5th (APPLE TREE cast & crew leave this time-slot open and be "On Call")

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