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Replica Badges

Standard badges for federal marshals and deputies were not issued nationaly until 1941. At Fort Smith deputies made their own badges or bought them from badge companies or local sources.


Deputies did not venture into Indian Territory unprepared. Officers usually carried both pistol and a rifle. Safety also lay in numbers: while a deputy often was the only commissioned officer in his outfit, he might employ several guards, possemen, and a cook. Most deputies traveled by horseback, and many also had a wagon with them for transporting prisoners back to Fort Smith. Perhaps the least popular item deputies took along was paperwork. To receive their pay, they had to keep detailed notes in logbooks or on writs (warrants) regarding the miles they traveled and those they arrested.

Hanging Gallows

Barracks/Courthouse/Jail, til 1890 in Fort Smith, Arkansas

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Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

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