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Hi, I'm Chrissy, welcome to my site.

About Me...
I was born and raised and still live in Philly, PA. I was born on July 12, 1978. I enjoy country western dancing, and you can usually find me at my usual bar in South Jersey on Fri. nights dancing away. I also love horses. I earned my Associate's Degree in Internet Development - I'm putting it to good use right now, and I just got a new job where I am putting it to good use redesigning the departmental web page. I also just got engaged on December 3, 2005. There is a link to more pictures below.

I will get some pictures up, and maybe some sound, but I don't know about that. It's very time consuming to do that.


Most of you may know that my grandfather (who I loved more than anything) passed away on September 23, 2004. I am working on putting together a page in his memory. I love you, Boppy and I miss you more and more every day. Click here to view


We're engaged!
December 3, 2005
Wedding details to follow


Please Check back for more updates to my site!