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Scarlet STudios Chat room Guide line Reviews

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Here are some of the chat rules we would like you to follow.
  • Please do not put bots up on this chat (if that's even possible)
  • Do not curse in the chat room.
  • Do not do anything stupid like trying to meet someone on this chat channel. THIS IS NOT A DATING SERVICE
  • If you wish to change your name it's /nick _____. In the _____ line, input your desired name. There is also a space between nick and _______.
  • If you wish to ban someone, input /kick PERSONYOUWANTTOBAN. You must be the server to do this. The server is indicated by a @ mark. Please do not abuse the power.
  • If you wish to quit, type /quit
  • Remember, i made this damn site so i can cut off the chat room when ever i feel like it. If i find someone abusing the power, i will cut off the site for a couple of days so that people cant go on and the idiot will get bored eventually and leave.

  • And please, dont say stupid shit. I cant stand stupid people who come into chat rooms to do stupid shit and if u do stupid shit, then i guess you are what god made you. If you wish to chat, then press go chat. Have FUN.

    Make sure to pull the chat window up to the size you want it to.
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