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About Us

Last Updated: 12/02/2002


Please come and re-new your membership for 2002 at O-Week:

Dates: 28th of Feb and 1st of March
Time: 10am - 3pm
Place: Melbourne Uni, look for our table in front of Union House

if you can't make it at these times, please email us if you want to re-new your membership at a later date, otherwise you'll be taken off the mailing list.

About Us

Melbourne Uni Russian Club was started in 1999 by Denis Matveev, Polina Donskikh, and Olga Sviatochevski. It was started as a fun, social way for people to develop interest in any aspect of Russian culture. The club provides an opportunity for people to learn about Russia, practice their language skills, or remise proudly about happy vodka-filled nights on recent visits to Russia. We welcome everyone with any interest in Russia, ranging from Russian nationality, to studying the language, or pure curiosity based only on the vaguest idea of the country?s geographical location. Some of our activities include Russian film screenings, cooking (and eating!) traditional food, going to Russian restaurants, and for the true Russian experience, the inaugural Russian simulation, taking place in a cosy log cabin in the snow, for all-out Russian style merriment, and drinking as only the Russians know how. We also have fortnightly meetings, usually involving a movie and the obligatory trip to that well-known authentic Russian establishment, the Clyde. The club is also a friendly way to meet other lovely people with similar interests.

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