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When I first created this site (formerly just a webpage to house my photography) back in August '02, I did it to take a good look at who I am, via the components that make up my life. Then some people viewed it, and I tailored a bit for an audience. But now I see, all over again, that it's just a self-created reminder of who I am...sometimes we all need reminders, and I am no exception.

I am me. A curious man looking for answers and asking too many questions in a curious world - a man who tends to look at everything around and within him. A quite and obscure storm. My heritage is that of Ireland and the French Cajuns of Louisiana. My philosophical roots are found in that which life has taught me, supplemented by Chinese culture and formal education.

I am a 25-year-old recreation therapist, freshly graduated (from the University of Southern Mississippi with my Bachelor of Science in Therapeutic Recreation with a minor in Psychology) and just hired as a recreation supervisor at a geriatric facility under East Mississippi State Hospital. Potential future options include looking into civilian work in Criminalistics.
"I have tried to be as eclectic as I possibly can with my professional life, and so far it’s been pretty fun." -Roland Barthes

Profile My Song Professional Resume
My Life
Martial Arts Therapeutic Recreation Criminalistics Leisure Pursuits
My Expressions
My Photography Random Thoughts My Poetry Other Writings
Other Inspirations
Rides Quotes
