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Throughout the last coming up for five years now I have been a regular on and off in ACN HW and for a time in ACN Married and have many wonderful friends on MSN and Yahoo not just from ACN but other chat rooms etc, and indeed friends from all over the world on this wonderful world wide web, and some even very close friends too!! And although many I would never have the chance to meet they still have none the less become special to me! However I do count myself lucky enough to having met several people now since this site was built and a few of them have become very close friends and I'm truly blessed to have been lucky enough to make them a big part of my life..Through knowing and meeting you wonderful people I decided to build this Website as a tribute to those that have made A Big Impact on my life!! As I said each and every one of you are special in your own individual ways!! So to you all I SAY THANK YOU!! Your friendship means alot to me!! It doesn't matter where you are in the following tribute you are all special to me! I'm also looking forward to meeting more friends as time moves on!
ALL OF YOU ARE THE INSPIRATION for this site so once again I say a very Big


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