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The Journey begins here...

U.S. Army Career

Paul's Voice

Skydive Pictures

Greetings, Family & Friends

     This web site is dedicated to all of you who have stood by me through the worst and best of times and never let me give up. Without your support and love, I would not be the person I am today.

     Anyways, I got into building webpages as a school project two years ago, but I never persued it until I started working for InServ in Emeryville, CA. Just to give you some info on it, Inserv is a company that outsources web-based customer relations to high-tech and telecommunication companies. One of InServ's client is Macromedia for which I provide product and technical support. Macromedia has a really great web page authoring software called Dreamweaver. I got to try out this product a few weeks ago and its pretty amazing. Anyone who wants to build their own web pages can use this software to create great-looking web sites.

     The only thing I have against this program is that you should have a basic knowledge of HTML. Here's a secret I'll share with you all...You're probably wondering if I created this web site using Dreamweaver, well,I didn't. I either hard coded, manually typed HTML code, or borrowed the javascript codes from other web sites offering free javascripts to anyone who wants to use them. (Its too easy)

     Anyways, lets get started. So if you click on any of the links on the left, it will take you to different pages about the Army, my friends and family. Look around and I hope you enjoy yourselves as much as I did in creating this web site.

     This site will definitely grow as more ideas and pictures come in. If you have any ideas how this site can look better, do not hesitate to email me with your suggestions.

     On a side note, I gotta give "props" to my buddy, Paul J. Davis at work who told me about Angelfire. He has some great pictures and animations on his web page. And if you have a web page, email your link to me and I'll add it here. [You know thats how 'Yahoo' got started] :)


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If you experience any problems, please e-mail the WebMaster!

get this gear!