Alphabetical Listing




am/im-to love





ag-do/go/lead drive

ven/vent- to come

cap/cep/cip- take or seize

fin- end/boundary

jac/jec- to throw

tract- drag/draw

duc - to lead

sec/sequ - to follow

ambi/amphi - both sides/around

ep/epi - upon, besides, attached to

hypo/hyp - under, beneath, below normal

therm/thermo - warm

poly- many

prim- first

hom/homo - same, alike

dis - apart, opposite of

vor - to eat

carn - flesh

fid- faith

curr/curs - to run

ped - foot

flect/flex - to bend

post - after, behind

mal - bad

cata - down

prot/proto - 1st in time, 1st formed

ante - in front of

orth/ortho - straight, right, true

rect - straight

eu - well, good

dys - bad, difficult, impaired

rog - to ask or propose

quis - to seek or obtain

ple - to fill

metr- to measure

aud - hearing

son - sound

err- wander, stray

ced/cess - to go or proceed

vid/vis - seeing or sight

spic/spec - to look at or behold

voc/vok - speaking or calling

phon - sound, speech

cur - to care for

peri - to go around something

sent/sens - to feel

soph - wisdom

tend/tent - to stretch or extend

pend/pens - to have or weigh down

pan - all, complete

extra - outside or beyond the norm

Cicerone - a guide (esp in a museum)

hector - to bully or intimidate

Hendonism - attitude that pleasure/happiness is chief goal in life

Nestor - senior figure or leader in a field

Spartan - marked by simplicity and self-denial

Stentorian - extremely loud

Stoic - seemingly indifferent to pleasure or pain

Sybaritic - marked by a luxurious, sensual way of life

apollonian - harmonious, ordered, calm

bacchanalian - frenzied

delphic - unclear, ambigous

dionysian - frenzied

jovial - jolly, good- natured

mercurial - rapid, unpredictable changes of mood

olympian - lofty, superior

venereal - std’s

ad hoc - for immediate needs

ad hominem - attacking an opponents character rather than their opinions/ideas.

Alter ego - trusted friend

de facto - actual; real in practice, though not normally recognized

de jure - by right of law

ex post facto - after the fact

modus operandi - usual way of doing something

modus vivendi - way of life

calypso - folk song style from the west indies

odyssey - spiritual journey or quest

palladium- precious silver/white metal

Penelope - modest domestic house wife

procrustean - ruthlessly disregarding individual differences

protean - displaying great versatility or variety

Sibyl - female prophet or story teller

siren - woman who lures men to their deaths

augean stable - marked by an accumulation of filth or corruption

dragon’s teeth - seeds of conflict

hades - underground home of the dead

Lethargic - lazy, sluggish

Midas touch - ability to financially gain from any venture

achilles’ heal - weak spot

cassandra - one who predicts misfortune or disater

draconian - extremely servere or cruel

nemesis - powerful, frightening opponent

trojan horse - s/t that works from within to defeat
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