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The Antichrist Is Here

The members of Chokechain (above),in my opinion,depict the antichrist described in the book of revelations. They bring to the world a message of hate and destruction.
"raise the towns, kill the weak, war fair, maim kill"
These are the lyrics from "the guilty", a song from the newest CD "the taste of flesh".
With the band's 6th anniversary nearing, the seasons are begining to change.As described as a sign of the end, the winter is begining to get warmer.
"and upon her forehead was the name written.MYSTERY. BABYLON THE GREAT. THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." Revelations 17:5
As described of the woman sitting upon the beast of seven heads and ten horns; Chokechain delivers a message that births more than only abomination, but murder and cannibalism.