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Dedicated To The One I LOVED

This page is for my memory and LOVE for a man

who just isn't with me in this world anymore.

I had made a previous page, poured my heart into

it. I blamed his leaving me on his smoking 3

packs a day.

That isn't what the death certificate says.

That isn't what his sister says. It IS what I feel


PEOPLE!!! Wake up!

Take your medicines

Take care of "yourself" if you really care for

the people you love!! Steve was suppose to take

medication for things I wasn't aware of until

he passed.

I want to say
*MEN* , but I also know it most

likely goes to all.
Please? Do not think you can handle

whatever is ailing you and not be a bother to those who

love you? If you are sick, need medication, and in pain,

tell them. A
PART of loving someone is sharing their

pain and their
LIFE. I am thinking; you rather spare them

SEEING you appear weak, thus that much less

a man or woman in their eyes?

Answer me this.

Which do you feel in your HEART they would be happier

with; Dealing with your "illness"?


Dealing with your DEATH &

FOREVER living with the ACHING PAIN

of never seeing you,
NEVER holding you again, NEVER

telling you to your face


This is LAST picture of him standing.

It was taken 1-day before he ended up in


He suffered a stroke and his lungs weren't

strong enough, from smoking and other medical

problems he didn't think enough of himself to

take care of himself for me, to sustain

him breathing on his own.

He was like this for the LAST 8 weeks

of his life

{do you call this life?}


For you, for your loved ones STOP now!!

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This is why I have such a love, this man was

IN my life but such a brief time.

We MET on line in 1996 on Mplayer-USA. He was


among other names for me. We became

friends, then further along in 1999, it became more.

DESPITE some of the sickos out there!

I will tell you this on Steve's BIBLE,

never was there "cyber sex". He believed

more in the person INSIDE than that.

He never even WANTED a picture of me, saying,

"I prefer the real thing than memorex".

I left Texas and all behind me in June 2000,

moved to North Carolina with him there,

and him NEVER seeing me until I drove up,

"bag & baggage" as the saying goes. You can't

see it well in this picture, but his EYES

are what got me! Captured my being.

What happened?

God decided Steve was of more use to Him,

so on 07 December 2000, Steve suffered a heart

attack,thus putting him in a coma, and forever

leaving him as a vegetable.

We had our FIRST Christmas together

in his ICU room;

He turned 36, 29 Dec.,

in the same ICU unit

in Florida. We even had our first and

only NEW YEARS together

in his ICU.

NO, he never spoke again to me

or anyone else since 07 DEC 2000,

his very last words to me were.

'I love you Baby, I'll see you around 6'.

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Quit Smoking Help & Related Resources by bubbajames
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So, this is why I have this song playing.

He dedicated it to me on line when he proclaimed

his love, and when you see me even now using a

SUNFLOWER, that is because of Steve too.

He told me once

if he was ever to be asked to compare his love

for me to a flower, he'd pick a sunflower.....

because of the never ending petals and seeds

adding to it's never ending-ness.

Steve O. Hall b. 29 Dec 1964 d. 20 Jan.2001

***I felt this he'd said to me as soon as I read it,
comforted me GREATLY. I hope it does touch
others as well***

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

When tomrrow starts without me,

and I'm not there to see;

If the sun should rise and find your eyes,

all filled with tears for me;

I wish so much you wouldn't cry,

the way you did today,

while thinking of the many things,

we didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,

as much as I love you,

and each time that you think of me,

I know you'll miss me too;

But when tomorrow starts without me,

please try to understand,

that an angel came and called my name,

and took me by the hand,

and said my place was ready,

in heaven far above,

and that I'd have to leave behind,

all those I dearly love.

But as I turned to walk away,

a tear fell from my eye,

for all life, I'd always thought,

I didn't want to die.

I had so much yet to do,

it seemed almost impossible,

that I was leaving you.

I thought of all the yesterdays,

the good ones and the bad,

I thought of all the love we shared,

and all the fun we had.

If I could relive yesterday,

just even for awhile,

I'd say goodbye and kiss you

and maybe see you smile.

But then I fully realized,

that this could never be,

for emptiness and memories,

would take the place of me.

And when I thought of worldly things,

I might miss come tomorrow,

I thought of you, and when I did,

my heart filled with sorrow.

But when I walked through heaven's gates,

I felt so much at home.

When God looked down and smiled at me,

from His great golden throne,

He said, "This is eternity,

and all I've promised you.

Today your life on earth is past,

but here it starts anew.

I promise no tomorrow,

but today will always last,

and since each day's the same day,

there's no longing for the past.

But you have been so faithful,

so trusting and so true.

Though there were times you did some things,

you knew you shouldn't do.

But you have been forgiven

and now at last you're free.

So won't you take my hand

and share my life with me?"

So when tomorrow starts without me,

don't think we're far apart,

for every time you think of me,

I'm right here, in your heart.

~by: David Romano~
(written for his wife who died a few years ago)

What Ann Landers had to say about smoking?

This is not just a
"one time" issue with me.

My father, he's over 70 now. Started

smoking when he was a teenager. You can't see my

father go anywhere now without his

oxygen tank in tow.

NEW UPDATE: My father died August 3,2006

I also HAD a brother-in-law?

I also have an Aunt, going through chemo now,

already lost her hair due to the chemo.

These are
NOT family all on one side, nor all BLOOD relatives.

I have 3 children,

and they all smoke.

They do not know how they are killing me

on the inside, when I see them smoke.

They are kids and young, thinking,

"Mom is freaking out. This won't happen to me."

I am afraid it will!

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Quit Smoking Help & Related Resources by bubbajames
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