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As I stand here in this place where we have come,
To unite us together and be made one, I know deep in my heart
you’ve been created just for me, And there’s no other in this world
that can match me perfectly. Soon the pastor will pronounce us
husband and wife, And it’s to you and you alone I pledge my life.
I’m making a commitment until death do we part. I could be united
with none other because you forever have my heart. As I gaze up into
your amazing eyes so bright, The love that I see there
makes our union seem so right, But I’m not going just on feelings on
that you have my word. I know because of thought and prayer.
Our marriage is of the Lord. You are my love, my life,
the song I sing. God has given you to me
for all eternity, And this ring on my finger reminds me constantly,
You are my joy, the one, my love—
You are my everything.

This is my husband Kenny and I. We were
married on March 9th 2002 and have been
enjoying every minute of it.
You can email us at

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