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Peggy Crow
KIRBY AR 71950

Say goodbye to those harmful UV rays and hello to a state of the art airbrush tan. Tanz You airbrush tanning offers a personalized process that gives your skin a beautiful, healthy glow within 20 minutes. The application is fast, effective and easy. Allow 30 minutes from start to finish. It is not a dye and works with the top layer of your skin without damaging it. It is a process that uses an airbrush machine to spray a mist of tanning solution from your feet to your face. Avoid bathing for 12 hours to give the solution ample time to react with the amino acids in the skin. Your body bronzing will last 3 to 8 days depending on how you care for your skin.

  • Miss Southern USA/Crystal Dreams Double
  • Glenwood AR: By appointments
  • Faulkner's Exercise Gym-Dierks, AR-By appointments

If you have a pageant where you would like to be tanned, and it is not on the list, please email me, because it may not have been added yet!Also available for dance teams, cheerleading squads, fitness competitions and MORE!

FDA approved
Fades gently, no orange discoloration
SAFE and healthy tanning alternative
Tan entire body, or just certain areas
Won't age skin
Immediate results
Looks natural
Fades gently
Great for ANY special occassion where you want to look your best

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