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*~*Rules*~* please read!
  • These are the BIG Ones!!
  • No Profanity! & We Mean NONE!
  • Try your best, & we mean your BEST! NOT to cuss

Here are the rules! And all that fun stuff! Read please!

Rules! & A type of How to play thing!
Also, the passcode is somewhere in this. You gotta read to find out where!
OOC: Board
This is where you go to post odds and ends like questions, complaints, comments, suggestions and such. Also, where you go to be out of character. Where you can ask to have a link posted. Also where you can post your new earth (if you don't have email) And if you are going on vacation or if your going to be away for a couple of days. (Suggestion, you can either post it in this board or leaving board. You should post ur vacation in this board! More ppl might see it) Also, a new thing is NO OOC Fighting If there is a problem email us, take it to us! We'll listen! Promise!!!
Well, in real life, from the information we gathered, there is only one Dog-Fox per earth (aka TT), BUT, we'll be nice! Only 2! You can only have a Lead Dog-Fox and his brother. (but if you don't want an earth, or to be a brother, then you can stay in the males land.) Umm... The best way to do positions, from what we suggest, is to have two Alpha's (or Lead)Foxes, then two Beta Foxes and Other Vixens. If you got a better idea, or you do know exactly how they set it up, then let us know! Thanks! Ok, Only 5 VIXENS per earth unless we get over populated with vixens and not dog-foxes! We will go through earth's and let you know! Also, read the stealing and challenging section to find out how and all that to do the challengings and stealings & what for.
Vixens (Ladies)
Try to go with the first or second fox that invites you. If not, then you must be in the Foxy Ladies Terra. We don't want an over population of vixens, but we'll tell you whatz happenin! You can also challenge for a higher position in the challenging board.
Kits are played by the mother until old enough to leave (2 yrs) then you, the player, make them join as an adult if you wanna actually play a kit and not have a kit, then you must get permission from ~Brit~ &/or **Ruby** and to do this, email us and we'll email you back. Or post in OOC:Board if you don't have a working email or whatever.
We (staff) will post a kit that is up for adoption. A vixen may post under it if they want the kit(s). They need to state their name, earth, and how many kits they already have. Also, if you are leaving and you have kits, put them up for adoption here! And NO DOG-FOX CAN ADOPT!
NO LONG BREEDING!! This is something that we look at strongly and are strongly against! You will get striked or even banned if this occurs! (we undersand that ome ppl can handl th causethey are mature enough to, but we also know others can't and dont want this to either get out of controll or have kids that might b checking out the site come across those kinds of posts. We just don't wanna have to deal wit problem that deal withlong breeding. Hope y'all understand)(Ooh & remember there might be kids reading this!) And also, something we are sick of and dont wanna see happen is raping. So, NO RAPING! And, you won't always have kits when you breed. The owners (Brit & Ruby) will be the ones to say if you miscarried or not in the breeding room. It will be decided by the owners, and only every now and then and by a coin. Only By Brit & Ruby, no other staff member can do this! NONE! Ooh, and what you need to post is your stats and who your mate is and how many kits you already have (if your a vixen)
After 2-3 days after breeding, go here and post your giving birth. A staff member will post stats for your new kits. You can have around 3-4 kits average. Sometimes less and sometimes more. Also, while in here, you may have a kit die, but you should always end up with at least one kit still alive. This happens in real life, so dont be surprised if one of your kits is dead. And we will try to keep deaths minimum.
Only do one challenge at a time! And you must do what results say, ex. 4 days rest with no hunting (you can't hunt for 4 days!) Vixens can challenging for higher positions. And your post must include this information or it is invalid... ur name, vixens name, her earth, ur earth, the lead dog-fox to her earth. (this is for dog-fox's) And Beta Dog-Foxes can't challenge or steal! The info that needs to be included for vixens is... ur name, the one ur challenging name, ur earth, her position, ur position. And No challenging for kits And you can challenge for a beta dog-fox (to make things more interesting! lol)
One steal at a time! Try not to tell Dog-Foxes they are being stolen from! No Riddles or anything time consuming, some ppl just don't have time to figure it out. And no stealing kits.
Hunting & Food
Try to hunt with your family! Hunt as much as possible. The staff will write how many it can feed and the least amount of foxes should try. Results should be simple. Most hunting is small animals like rabbits, rats and such. There should be some big animals (MAYBE!) And foxes hunt, mostly at night. This is also where you can get your fruits. And if you want fruit trees in your earth, look in the hunting & food for a fruit tree which 'a human' will plant in your earth! (LOL. i know, it sounds stupid, but thats the best we could think of! And they eat fruit and dont go for huge game, so we're trying!)
You post here if you want to leave *tear**tear* and all that! Just tell us your quitting. You can add a nice good bye for them. Whatever. Also, if possible, write why your leaving so we can try to improve.
This is where all the members names SHOULD be listed. To get on this page, you must be active and have posted ur foxes name in the area that is title something like **Go here if you just joined** well go there, post the fox you plays name. If you could help us and post ur kits when u get them as a reply to ur name and/or if you are now in another earth or died, Please do!! This will help us to keep the Members page updated Properly and in order. Thanks! Also we will have the NEVER FORGOTTEN foxes up. These are foxes who died and left a BIG impression on most or all the foxes. And they are the ones that shall never be forgotten (and no new player can take their name, unless the original player allows you)
To be on staff read the staff page. There is also a staff only board, password protected! Only important staff members get this password and user name. Also, we need more staff so try and join us! And we dont want to see staff members abusing their priveleges. You do have a chance of being banned & we dont wanna see that happen. The passcode is FuzzyDucks. (don't ask. lol)
This is where ya join! DUH! lol. To join, read all the rules (hope thats what ur doing) & then go to join and post your foxes stats... gender, color, markings, age, personality, if u want, a pic, and their name. Or go a little farther and add their history. You will also need the passcode! It's somewhere. Read ALL the rules to find out! lol. Who knows, you might have already passed it! Or it might be coming up!
Here is where you advertise. And ONLY here! No where else!! If you want your link added, ask in the OOC Board. Most likely you'll be added, but add us to yours! It seems only fair! And if you advertize here, you better have an advertizin board, or we will delete ur post & who knows what else! Also, Advertize Once, unless your post is sooooo far at the bottom, then u may post again. The sites being posted not have any profanity in it and it Better Not lead to X rated sites!! Or you most likey will be banned!!!! That would be discussed if it happens. I guess thats it for that!!Thanks!
Well, We are hoping that's all! If anyone has any rules that u think need to be added then go ahead and tell us! We'll think it over and maybe add it! Or if you have a question about any of these rules, ask!!
The Passcode should be IN the Rules. Read to find it!(ooh,that wasnt the passcode, for some that might think it was)
The Passcode is IN the rules, and will change with new rules! You need it to go into the Joining Board!!
User Name: Joining

Go Back to Homepage or Join!

Joining Board! -You need the Password!!!
