Free And Lee Productions :: Free And Lee Production Crew
Free And Lee Productions
Free And Lee Production Crew


Weight Watchers


Biographies of other members

and A Picture Gallery



Cuba Libre

My first acual "movie" it really didnt turn out very well. We were limited in cast and we only had three people. If you notice the scenes have 1 or 2 people in the picture at a time. Thats because we couldnt just leave the camera on the table. Well Jason, just went through surgery and it was a miracle that he came to my house and filmed. Once during the flim Jason accidentally spilled his blood pouch on his shirt so from then on he sat down. HAHA well for this project 2 of us got As and the other two got Bs unfortuneatly I got a B because Tessa didnt show up for filming and... I forgot something on my paper. Well, this movie is about the Spanish American War. Also stay tuned at the end there are bloopers.

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The Real World: Asian Persuasion

Well, this little oh movie here aint really little. This movie when it was F.O.A (fresh off Adobe) it was 5 gigs. Well anyways while we were making this movie, we had to go back and forth from David's house and mine so we could pick up stuff. When we were suppose to be "smoking weed" it was really David's humidifier. HAHA All of us almost choked on the damn thing. Well anyways I had a lot of fun making this video because I was a ninja again. Well, we planned this video out at first, but then we just winged it. We had to kill off people because they couldn't come the next day. On the final day, David and I had to bike to John's house to film John's bio. Well, this movie took about three days of work and three days of my summer. I hope the picture isn't to bad. My dad will make me a domain soon so I can acually have good picture in the video. So, just watch this one until my dad makes me a domain and give me a new computer to work on. So, enjoy!! (please excuse my horrible editing skills and camera skills)

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David's Jams

During the production of "The Real World: Asian Persuasion series" David had to do his bio and well it got a little out of hand. We got David to sing random songs about people so.... enjoy!! I put up lyrics just incase you did'nt know what David was saying....

Song #1 "I am John"
My name is.. John
I'm from North Korea!!
I like to study and play counter strike.
Please don't call me a FOB!!
I study cause my daddy will...whip me.
Guess what I had for dinner last night!!
I had a nice fried..fried dog!!
And if you dont cooperate,
I'll get the president of korea to launch a
nuclear bomb.
yeah!! STUDY SATS!!!

To watch this movie click here (right click and save as to download)

Song #2 "Look at Kevin Thai"
Hey, look at Kevin Thai!!
He gets his ass kicked in wrestling everyday.
When we go jogging he's like David I'm so tired please lets stop.
And when his mom gets home he's like shit we got to clean the house.
Please...Mommy dont hit me I'll clean the house.
Hey here comes Jackson.I'm like Kevin, look its Jackson. He's like I'm talking on my cellphone.
And hes like YOOOOOOO!!!!

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Song #3 "We're all in history class"
We're all in history class and here comes Thomas. He comes in and he's like I am iron man de do de do. And were like Thomas can you please shut your mouth please? He's like no I rock and roll all night and I'm like.... and I'm like Thomas please shut your fucking mouth your a fucking poser. He's like...He's like YEAH I love to rock and roll on my guitar!! I'm like you don't eve have a guitar man. He's like Oh I got to get my money and Mr. Banks is like you like the interrupt the whole class Thomas? He's like Noooooo....

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Song #4 "Thomas"
Let me tell you about a kid name Thomas. He's the biggest poser around. He went to Bryce's house. He hit on his sister, oh yeah shes 9 years old. And in class he's like Dude I'm going to make out with Bryce's sister. And Bryce is like Im going to kick your ass. Thomas is like David, you like to rock and roll huh? Oh we should jam man. I was like your a fucking poser. He's like What? I like to rock and roll all night long baby yeah!!! 9 year old girls!! Failing History!! Yeah and being a poser!!
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Song #5 "The 8 ball Boob"
I went to Kevin's house and I found Lyna, checking her Myspace messages. She's like here you wants some lipgloss? I was like yeah sure. She's like put it on right now. We went to the park at night and I lost her lipgloss. She's like Oh Hell No, Oh Hell No it cost a lot of money. And we were like <poke> <poke> She's like David hold on and she falled on her ass. She was like David let me dress you into a girl. You'll look very pretty. She stuffed my bra with a 8 ball boob.We ran upstairs when Kevin's mom came home. My boob fell downstairs right into his lair. And South Carolina is very Ghetto.
To watch click here (right click and save as to download)
Song #6 "Kevin's Dad"
Why is Kevin recording me? I'm just a little lonely boy. I don't want no trouble from Kevin's dad.
I've heard many stories. He takes his kids out and he throws them on the stove. And he watches them burn.
He's like Yay barbeque kids tonight.
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