Free And Lee Productions :: Free And Lee Production Crew
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Free And Lee Production Crew


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Chinese Playground

This production was filmed for a project about a book. This movie was suppose to be a trailer-ish thing but it didn't turn out quite right. Some shots were in the dark so it's hard to see some of the clips. Otherwise, I think it's quite okay. It took a long ass time to edit all the cuss words from the song since it was for a SCHOOL project. No Profanity was allowed. Anyways, we are truely proud of David's dad for being a good sport and letting us film him yelling at John. It was really scary when he yelled out loud. If you looked at me when this happened you can see that I jump in my seat, haha. This took about a few days to complete; so speedy delivery, but horrible material. Hopefully I'll get better and Enjoy!!

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Harder Faster Stronger Better

Well, this movie was really awesome to make. It was planned out at the begining to be robotic. Well, -quoting David-.."It turned gay after the scene where you were behind me and I bent over at the 'do it' part." To tell you the truth, this movie turned SUPER gay. I mean total gayness to the max. It was almost so gay that David almost licked me!! wtf & I got really pissed off when no one knew the words. -_- ; it was the same lines over and over again, but whatever. We also cut a lot of stuff and had to put random clips to fill up some time. The song was soooo long.. like about 10 minutes so we cut it to about 5 minutes and cut the song. WTF MANG!! I thank the kids at David's mom's daycare. We stole them and filmed a lot of the scenes with them. I was also lucky to have the wonderful Ms. Lyna Thai all the way from South Carolina helping out. Haha she sat on her ass and sorta "directed." [Lyna- haha screw you kev I SO CHOREOGRAPHED & BOSSed you around. Then when I realized this production was all going downhill to being gay I just sat back and didn't want to have anything to do with it. Also, I got a major headache from all the lil boys.] Well at least we finished this movie. Enjoy it.

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Ninja of the Night

HOKAY, so now I shall introduce a hero. Well, not a hero more like a zero. He is a thief, he is a ninja, and he is homeless. This music video is about a ninja trying to live through life stealing stuff and begging for money. His parents were killed by non other than NINJAS!! [Lyna's long ass edit- Since we were unorganized, the whole storyline changed drastically as we just went along. Kev's sister Kim was suppose to be the heroine of the vid. Somehow Kev the Ninja ended up with the spotlight and became the main charater. Hence a "Ninja of the Night" title was born. And even earlier before that, Kev was orginally supposed to be playing the victim part, THE GIRL PART. Kim was still 'Hershey Girl' and Lyna came in to be the badass. But with only 3 ppl, it was a hard time filming. Then David (the she-man lol) came over, and well, pretty much everything got away from that. By the time we started doing the REAL filming (not in Kev's room anymore but at the playground) it was getting darker.. and darker.. so we had to hurry before it was PITCH BLACK. We apologize. We know it is too dark to see in the majority of the vid but like we said, we're not PROS like 831 & WongFu so we didn't know how to tone the color and shit. The only thing I can suggest is (if you download it only) to go to your Windows Media Player or whatever programn you are watching from and to set the brightness and stuff. When the frame says 'the next morning . . .' immediately pause the vid, go to your settings and undo the brightness. This is when the vid tone will be normal again cuz we shot it in the morning. Sorry for the inconvenience, it is a pain, I know. Besides all that, this is the first production Kevin and I (Lyna) had to edit OVER THE PHONE. Some we got to sit and talk it out and in which I bossed Kev alot haha. And the rest is phone.. and now sadly over AIM. =( ] This movie was a lot of fun making because I got to jump off of stuff and yeah. We filmed at Castle Park Playground. I got hurt while rolling under the bridge (haha yeah pathetic.) Well I rolled over a rock or something and it hit my side. Oh well, if you have seen castle park there is a stone castle there. For the first scene, I had to climb the castle. I LITERALLY FELL OFF WHILE TRYING TO CLIMB IT. Yes... that's my secret, I was really happy that no one saw it, haha but whatever it would've of made a funny blooper. Ok, and for David wearing LIPGLOSS and A SKIRT!! well... none of us made him do it.. HE VOLUNTEERED(sp- thank you !! Well enjoy David a skirt. Haha pervs.... Oh and there is an extra at the end of the NEXT MORNING. The badass sign was Lyna's idea that she actually saw on the street with a hobo. We didn't have any cardboard to write on SO GHETTO US cut a box into pieces and taped it. Lyna like wrote it the night b4 the next morning. Then we filmed it at 7am in the morning before David and Kevin's summer school classes. We looked like hell and were sleepy. And Kev and Dav were almost late for school. hahaha, freakin winksards.

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So Happy Together

*FEATURING:// Kevin Thai's NEW MTV Hit, "Stay." (Hilarious short vid Lyna filmed of Kev singing. He looks like he's on crack.) So Happy Together` This one started on a hot Sunday Morning. Thao, Hieu, Lyna, Kim, and I were super super super bored.... Ok.. it started with some wannabe music videos... where I lip-synced to some gay songs while we filmed it. Well after that we heard a song that was as old as time: So Happy Together by the Turtles. Then ... (damn you Lyna) she thought about how me and Hieu should be the bestest friends and be in a movie together. [lyna's edit- actually i did intend for it to be the super friendly gay one for comedy.] Well it didn't really turn out right. The bestest friend thing turned into a gay lover production like most of my movies. This is the first actual production we made this summer when Lyna came to visit. I'd have to say it is our proudest and most developed production. We actually had a storyline and tried alot of camera tricks for the first time. Watch it, it's hella cute. :]

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Things Fall Apart

This started with a speech from Ms. Pruden (my english teacher.) We were reading "Things Fall Apart" and we had to do a Cultural Project. DAMN what to do.... there were a lot of options but.. we couldn't resist to make a movie. Well this is just plain and short. [/Kevin's Pissed Of Note To His Teach/] : I hate you Ms. Pruden for giving me a B!!! a B!!! it deserves an A you know why ? EVERYONE ELSE MADE FOOD & THAT WAS NASTY. YOU GAVE US B? a B? aND YOU GAVE MICHELLE AN A WTF.... whatever Ms. Pruden you can go to hometown buffet with ur bald boyfriend that will never marry you. You will Die alone.... [/Angry Letter End/]

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