Learn the Basics of HTML - By: Michael McGee (pesonstuff14@yahoo.com) **Make sure Word Wrap is on to make this a little easier to read. First off, before going any further, you need to know about how to use HTML. All tags begin with an opening tag (<>). Most, not all, tags end with a closing tag (). HTML is not hard. It is just like learning something in school. Just practice it a little and you'll get good at it. Go to sombody's webpage and view their source code to get better ideas (right click, view source). Main Tags ------------------------- **Main tags are added at the top of the code. = HTML tag. You need the opening part of the tag () at the top of the page and the ending () at the bottom of the page. = Body tag. This tag tells the browser what the background color, text color, link color, visited link color, active link color, and background color. You need to make the tag look like this to make the page have a background color and text color: All of the other codes for the rest of the page goes here. . Here are the rest of the parts of the tag: link="" (link color), vlink=""

= The Paragraph tag. Use like this:

This is your sentence.

. This code is the most basic Text code. The finished code will look like this: This is your sentence.
= The Break tag. The break tag is like hitting the enter key to add a break between lines of text. The break tag does not need a closing. Use like this:

This is my sentence.
If you don't like it, you can eat bird crap.

. Looks like this: This is my sentence. If you don't like it, you can eat bird crap.
= Centered Text. Use like this:
This is your sentence.
. This code makes text, objects, ect., be centered on the page. It is great for making page headings. You might want to use the

code for this, but you don't have to. Example:

This is your sentence.

. = Indented Text. Use like this: . This causes the area of text to be indented. Looks kinda like this: This is your sentence. Font Tags ------------------------- This is your sentence.

. The tag by itself won't do anything. You have to edit it by adding what font face or size you want the text to be. Example:

This is your sentence.

. You can also choose what font type you want the text to be. Example:

This is your sentence.

. To make the text different colors, use this code: . You can use any color choice. You can make the text a different font face, color, and size at the same time by:

This is your sentence.

. Image Tags ------------------------- = Image tag. You put the address of the picture in the "". Example: would make the picture named poop.gif appear. The tag does not need a closing tag. You can use this tag in Paragraphs too. Example:

This is your sentence with a picture, . If an image is too big for your page, you can resize it. Example: . Link Tags ------------------------- = Link tag. Use like this: Skateboard.com. The "http://www.skateboard.com" tells the browser what page is to be loaded. The Skateboard.com shows the text of the link. You always add the http:// in the link code. = E-mail link tag. This lets people click a link and send you an e-mail with their default E-mail program. Use like this: E-mail me. = Image with a link. You can make an image have a link. This is great for making buttons for your Trick Tip pages and stuff. Use like this: . = Opens link in a new window. The target="_new" tells the browser to open the link in a new browser. Text Effects Tags ------------------------- = Underline tag. This underlines text. Use like this:

This is your sentence.

. = Bold tag. This makes text bold. Use like this:

This is your text.

= Scrolling Text tag. This makes text scroll across the screen. You can add a code between the and the to change the font of the text. HTML Exapmles ------------------------- Here is an example you what your page should look like:


Here is some stuff you'll find on this site:

    Trick Tips
    Ramp Plans
I hope this little tutorial helps. It is designed to give you an idea on how to get started making a webpage without having to use those gay little pagebuilders and pagewizards. If you want to learn more advanced html, go to another site that teaches it. I'm too lazy to make a tutorial for that at this monent. If you want a little more help just post a topic on the messageboard. I made a section on it just for HTML Help.