

This web site contains material of an adult and mature nature. Themes, images, and/or language, which are only suitable for adults with open minds. The site is dedicated to a fictional place known as "Gor" which was depicted in a series of books by author John Norman, "Gor, The Chronicles of Counter-Earth". If you are not yet 18 years of age and/or if you find nudity and depictions and essays of Master and slave relationships offensive, DO NOT ENTER THIS SITE. You have been warned!

The S}{adow Fortress' mIRC channel (#S}{adowFortress) on irc.bondage.com is an online, interactive 'community' which approximates a "Ar stronghold" within the Gorean Northern Forests, which lies close to Tvorvaldsland, the City of Laura, and Kassau.

Within the boundaries afforded to the limited interaction on IRC, we attempt to impart to patrons a bit of Gorean flavor, philosophy and, of course, strict discipline. We do not play games here, but we do believe in having fun and a good time. We take this very seriously, and expect all to likewise. Gor is a harsh, cruel world, and the inhabitants who inhabit it are expected to be as well. The meek are crushed utterly and tossed aside, while the strong flourish and grow. The Free are savage, as are the slaves they own. The Free can be cold and brutal, but they are of Gor and that is to be expected, else they be gone. Passion with total obedience is demanded from the slaves, but they are of Gor and they tend to be wild and full of fire.

This being understood, myself, the Free, slaves and other residents of the S}{adow Fortress, welcome you to our Homestome. Enter the Dark Beauty that is Gor.


Never forget


Copyright 2001-2002 - Jhalar Night Wulf of Ar - S}{adow Fortress - All rights reserved. This site is strictly noncommercial. No copyright infringement intended.