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Basically, Sanctom is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) which is based on the mythical world of Veltam. More specifically, it takes place on an island, Sanctum, that is a large part of Veltam. This game is set in the year 2000 and has a New York style city. We offer a wide range of character choices such as; Businessman, Mafia member, Cop, Politition, ect. Login "Insert a good quote here". By Someone Probaly Famous. This quote means to me. Which brings me to. And therefor. Basically, this quote holds a lot to my whole paper. Today, everything is complicated. Its like everything we invent, everything we come up with, all adds ten more technical problems to our lives. We rely so much on the transformer from the power plant to power our computers and our tv's. Without a car you basically can't function. Everybody now needs more than food, water, shelter. They need access to the web, the morning paper, tonights new citcom. Life seems more complicated everyday, all the things meant to simplify the things we've made so tough only seem to make it harder. My point in all this is that allthough life differs greatly from that peoples lives hundreds of years ago, theres still the same main arguements and values that exist. The bible, the Roman Empire, Greek, Natives... All of the different societies stiil had there main rules. Murder was really never accepted, and when it was it was willing sacrafice. Lying, cheating, rape, ect. All of those were all against the law. And my point in all that is that even though the main ideas and conflicts of intrests still exist today, its the people and law systems of the day that really makie the differences. Its like in our class when we have a debate, theres people on complete opposites of the spectrum. Even though there are many different things to argue about only a few ... Since everyone had there own personal opinions it opens a lot of doorways to find your own. With me though, its different. When listening to a debate, i don't immediatly pick the side that my parents taught me was right or what my teachers led me to believe. I listen to each side and usually have a hard time finding my own opinion. Theres always pro's and con's to each side and as long as the topics not too serious I'll stay undecided. The main thing that i have