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This website is my feeble effort to pay a small tribute to those who were killed in the attack September 11, 2001. I hardly know what to say, the magnitude makes me reel inside. So I will say it with candles and art and poetry and stories.

The original images in the picture gallery were taken from the AOL and Yahoo News sites. They are mainly of people from all around the world who held candlelight vigils for the victims of the terrorist attacks. This gallery is not an attempt to "pretty up" tragedy but rather a way of thanking those people around the world who chose to rally around our nation and take a stand for freedom.

I guess this memorial site is my own little candlelight vigil....

A new song I wrote in honor of Malala Yousafzai: Brave Girl

I've made a video to commemorate the tenth anniversary of 9/11. You can view it at my youtube channel here: "Images of 9/11"....You might want to keep a box of tissues on hand;)

Here's another by someone else: "I Was There" Tribute to September 11, 2001

Here are some links to help you support our troops overseas!

The VFW has Operation Uplink that will allow you to donate or request a phone card for a service member. Another Website that offers ways to support our troops is Defend America website. When you click on the Support our troops, you will find links to various websites that will describe how folks can show their support to the troops.

Another place to offer your support to the troops is the USO page. A Website for families to order a yellow "Until they all Come Home Flag".

One very helpful site for family members is the Marine Moms Online. This site is a community of relatives who have someone serving in the armed forces. It isn't just for moms! They offer helpful hints and also chat support.

If any of you have found other online support for families and the troops, please let me know!

The National Veteran Service & Advocacy Program

(Thanks Chatty, Kasia & Trish!)

The gorgeous candle photo that forms the background of the main image is by abrigato39.

The background song, "America the Beautiful" was arranged by myself.


I wonder what she thought
As she stood there, strong and tall.
She couldn't turn away,
She was forced to watch it all.

Did she long to offer comfort
As her country bled?
With her arm forever frozen
High above her head.

She could not shield her eyes
She could not hide her face
She just stared across the water
Keeping Freedom's place.

The smell of smoke and terror
Somehow reduced her size
So small within the harbor
But still we recognized...

How dignified and beautiful
On a day so many died
I wonder what she thought,
And I know she must have cried.

Author Unknown

(Thanks Chatty!)

Oh wow, look, I've won an award!!! (Thanks Jim!)

Click on the logo to visit Jim's site:

Here's another from Robin of Sweden...thanks Sweetie!

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