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For some MORE promotional information were are the BAND OF THE WEEK at little rock hardcore. Just to let you know. Check out little rock hardcore at

How about I setup a webpoll on our main page and ask if you on your thoughts on making a tribute page to our art, poetry, writings and possibly some music in the future.And if the out come is a yes then we will and if no, well, then we will not. I will begin the process as soon as possible. Its up to you. Also remember that if you send us stuff more in likely we will put it on the website. And if you do vote yes it might be just a little while before we get the website up and running. Thanks -bObBy
For some promotional information were are the band site of the week at little rock hardcore. Just to let you know. Check out little rock hardcore at
Thanks for all the traffic and keeping this site really freakin' intersting! I had an idea while sitting here that I thought I'd fly by you guys. Would anyone be interested in sending us some artwork, poetry, whatever? Everybody who visits the site seems to be quite creative. E-mail us with what you got! Later-Don