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They say it takes one to know one.
I see it in your eyes,
how big is yours?
Smaller than a bread box? Larger than a suitcase?
how long have you carried it?
Do they know? I am sure they don't.
Most are oblivious.
Does it still shock you, that people are so surface?
Are you waiting, for someone to see?
What do you do when it comes? Where is your safe place?
Does it last long? Does anyone notice?
Or do you suffer in silence?
The silent sobs, and the tracks of tears are
always a sign, but they don't see.
They can't, even if they did - they would not help.
It takes one to know one they say.
And they are right.
I can see it in you, when did you last put it at bay?
Has it been a long time?
Thinking it is handled huh?
Don't you just love the whole ~you need to talk to someone theory~
as if that is going to help.
You know the game/You know the rules.
You have been making nice for years, and no one
bothered to go below the surface, even those that knew
full well you needed a Light to shine on you.
Does it not amaze you how selfish and self-absorbed people are.
Yes they tout all this enlightened bullshit,
of understanding...which is crap.
For years when it came - I would find my safe place
~which for many years has been a corner in my room~
on the floor...pressed up against the walls, so that the textures I can feel..
then it hits, the pain...
times comes and goes, I pay no attention.
When my breathing returns to normal, and I can remove my face from
the pillow...
My eyes open barely, with how tear stained they are..I know I have let
go of some of the pain.
and Once again no one knows I have fought my darkness and won
But it will come back - it always does.
By telling you this, I am letting you know...
You are not alone, never ever think you are alone.
There are more out there, that carry this kind of hurt and pain
inside them.
They will see it in you, and they will look beyond your surface.
offering their hand.
To share, and truth be told, have you not wanted someone
all along to see it, with in you? to be able to understand
you pain. To know you are not alone, in your Darkness.
You are not alone, you will never be alone again.
Realize that, the next time you want to take a swan dive into
your Darkness.
Everyone has a light, use it - who ever they are, you will know...
and they will know what words to say or not say, to bring
you in from out of the Dark.

For those of you that do not understand these words, it is okay..You do not have the pain that I refer to as Darkness..For those that do, I hope these words speak to you.

As for me, I found a light about 4 years ago - his name is BiLL - I am so every thankful for him in my life. I still fight it when it comes, but now when I am in my corner, I feel a light there to tell me, I am going to be okay - I am not alone.

Hand over my heart, it means so very much to me Bill.
