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The following is information about the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) Certified Floodplain Manager Program (CFM), as developed by the Certification Board of Regents (CBOR). It includes information on the background, program purpose, certification classifications, eligibility criteria, fee schedule, exam, re-certification guidelines, disclaimer and Code of Professional Conduct. The initial ASFPM CFM will be granted upon successful completion of three steps: (1) submitting completed application and fee; (2) submitting a reference; and (3) passing the certification examination.

The application requires basic information regarding the applicant's identity and one written reference from a supervisor. Optional information is requested to help the ASFPM maintain demographic information and determine the fairness of the exam. The application shall be signed by the applicant, acknowledging that the award of certification will be based upon meeting all the minimum qualification requirements and achieving a satisfactory score on an exam to be prepared and scored by ASFPM. The applicant shall further agree to abide by the Code of Professional Conduct.


The Association of State Floodplain Managers has established a national program for professional certification of floodplain managers. The program recognizes continuing education and professional development that enhance the knowledge and performance of local, state, federal and private-sector floodplain managers.

The role of the nation's floodplain managers is expanding due to increases in disaster losses, the emphasis being placed upon mitigation to alleviate the cycle of damage-rebuild-damage, and a recognized need for professionals to adequately address these issues. Floodplain managers come from a variety of curricula and backgrounds; there is no college-level degree program for floodplain management. This certification program will lay the foundation for ensuring that highly qualified individuals are available to meet the challenge of breaking the damage cycle and stopping its negative drain on the nation's human, financial, and natural resources. The formation of a professional certification program is recognized as an effective means to:

The primary goal of the Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) Program is to help reduce the nation's flood losses and protect and enhance the natural resources and functions of its floodplains by improving the knowledge and abilities of floodplain managers in the United States. This goal will be achieved over time by: A second goal of the CFM Program is to increase the prominence of floodplain management in decision-making by local officials and the public. This goal will be achieved on a larger scale and over a longer time frame by:


The CFM Program recognizes states, ASFPM chapters, state agencies, and state or regional associations that certify floodplain managers, as well as individuals who have received formal floodplain management training. The ASFPM offers floodplain manager certifications in these categories.

A. [State or other entity] Certified Floodplain Manager: This certification is granted directly by a state, ASFPM chapter, state agency, or state or regional association that has been accredited by the ASFPM Certification Board of Regents. This certification, although issued by the appropriate state or other entity, is entitled to include a statement that it is an "ASFPM-accredited" certification.

B. ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager: This certification is granted by the ASFPM directly to individuals who demonstrate knowledge of the basic national standards and programs of floodplain management, but who reside or work in states where ASFPM-accredited certification is not available. (Under special circumstances, exceptions may be granted by the CBOR). Persons with an interest in floodplain management may apply for this classification.


The CFM Program is directed toward individuals from widely varying occupations, interests, and educational backgrounds who have routine floodplain management duties, such as community, state, and federal officials; the private sector; academia; interest groups; and private citizens. For the purposes of the CFM Program, floodplain management is defined as "Activities and efforts undertaken to reduce flood losses and human suffering and to protect the natural and beneficial values and functions of floodplains." Anyone can apply and take the ASPFM CFM exam, except those from a state with an accredited state certification program, who must apply for and take that state's exam. A list of certified state programs is available from the ASFPM office.

Applicants approved for certification will be notified by mail. A certification number will be assigned to the individual and the appropriate certificate issued, designating the applicant an "ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager." Applicants who fail to pass the examination will be notified in writing. They will be eligible for re-examination within one year or at the next ASFPM annual conference.


The following fees have been established:
Item Individual Member ASFPM Others
Request for application packet, review, & examination
Biennial Renewal
Re-examination Fee
Late Fee
Request for Appeal Fee

Additional fees may be established, especially when advanced certification programs are developed.


The exams shall be approved by the CBOR. The exam will be "closed book" and will be held in a proctored classroom environment. All examinations will be pass/fail and the results will be held in strict confidence. Examinations will be given at each ASFPM annual conference and other locations as approved and specified by the CBOR. Re-examinations will be granted at an approved location upon payment of the re-examination fee and must be taken within one year of the initial examination or at the next annual conference. The CBOR will arrange for proctors at all examination sites.


If an application for certification or renewal is denied, the applicant may appeal the ASFPM decision to the CBOR, according to the established guidelines. An appeal is a request for review of a decision by the ASFPM. An appeal may be made on the grounds that the decision was in conflict with the CFM Charter.


Certifications awarded by the ASFPM will remain in effect for two years. At the end of two years, each Certified Floodplain Manager must submit a renewal application to ASFPM and enclose the renewal fee. The application will be used to update the Certified Floodplain Manager's credentials and to document completion of the required continuing education credits (see below). When these conditions are met, a two-year renewal will be issued. If a CFM fails to make an application for renewal within 12 months of the renewal date, he/she may be required to complete a new application package, pay the appropriate fee, and take another test before being re-certified. If special circumstances prevent timely renewal, the CBOR will consider a waiver of these requirements.

An initial ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager certification will be valid indefinitely, provided that the applicant complies with the biennial (every two years) renewal requirements, which are:

Approximately 60 days before the two-year anniversary of their original certification, ASFPM Certified Floodplain Managers will be sent a notification and billing statement for the biennial renewal, along with a form on which to record CECs earned. Those not fulfilling the requirements for renewal by the due date will be sent a letter of decertification, stating that the individual may no longer classify him or herself as an ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager.

A person who has been de-certified may be reinstated within one year of the last date at which time a valid certification was held, provided that he or she (1) pays the fee for the coming period plus a late fee, and (2) submits proof of having earned an additional eight CECs since the lapse of the certification. Certifications that have been expired for more than one year will not be reinstated until a new application has been completed, including testing.

The continuing education requirement can be met through any combination of formal courses, university short courses, or home-study courses approved by the CBOR, or by attendance at technical portions of the ASFPM annual conference, state chapter conference, or other related technical meetings. The CBOR will publish a Guidance Document on CECs, which will include a listing of approved CECs. Documentation of training and CECs will be reviewed and tabulated by the ASFPM Executive Office. CECs and related training could be obtained through:

Applicants for certification renewals may request the CBOR to review training courses or conferences not on the list of approved programs. The CBOR will evaluate these requests to determine the quality of training and their relevance to floodplain management. If a training course is deemed to meet the training requirements of the CFM Program, the CBOR will determine the number of CECs to be granted (depending upon the floodplain management content), notify the applicant, and place the new program on the ASFPM's list of approved programs.


Professional certification is a peer review process administered through the Association of State Floodplain Managers. Participation in the Certified Floodplain Manager Program is strictly voluntary. The program is designed to establish educational, training, and experience criteria related to floodplain management, hazard mitigation, and the National Flood Insurance Program, and to certify that an individual applicant has met these criteria.

The Association of State Floodplain Managers assumes no liability for any action or decision made by individual Certified Floodplain Managers during the normal course of performing their prescribed duties and responsibilities of managing development within the identified floodplains, as established by criteria of the NFIP or state and mandated by their respective employer or local government agency. Furthermore, any list of Certified Floodplain Managers should be used with care. The Association of State Floodplain Managers has not attempted to independently verify the information submitted by certification applicants. We strongly recommend that anyone using the professional services of any listed individual or firm contact that individual or firm directly and request and verify their references and credentials.


A copy of this document must be signed and submitted with the CFM application.

As a Certified Floodplain Manager, I agree to abide by the following tenets of the Code of Professional Conduct in all of my professional responsibilities. I will

  • Practice honesty and integrity in all of my professional relationships with the public, peers, and employer;
  • Be truthful and accurate in my professional communications;
  • Be fair and considerate of all persons;
  • Foster excellence in floodplain management by staying abreast of pertinent issues;
  • Enhance individual performance by attention to continuing education and technology;
  • Avoid conflicts of interest resulting in personal gain or advantage;
  • Be economical in the utilization of the nation's resources through the effective use of funds, accurate assessment of flood-related hazards, and timely decision-making;
  • Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information;
  • Promote public awareness and understanding of flood-related hazards, floodplain resources, and flood hazard response; and
  • Be dedicated to serving to the profession of floodplain management and to improving the quality of life.