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Mallard Farms, Inc. Information

Archie Whitaker
Mallard Farms, Inc. Guide
Mallard Farms, Inc.
7 Lawrence 547
Alicia, AR 72410
(870) 886-2602
(501) 412-5099

Mallard Farms, Inc. is primarily a rice farm. Duck hunting is during the off season, after harvest until the end of duck season. Paul Bennett, Jr. has been duck hunting at Mallard Farms since 1973. Since then, former Presidents and sports celebrities have hunted along with him, as well as local celebrities and friends. Recently, due to web information found at this site, ESPN Outdoors contacted Bub Whitaker on behalf of Mallard Farms, Inc., inquiring as to Mallard Farms, Inc. being profiled on their show.

The private lodge is scheduled to open this year. Hunting dogs are welcome. ATV's are also welcome. Vehicles other than ATV's are not allowed off of the gravel roads.

Mallard Farms, Inc. Rates
$125.00 per day per hunter
$225.00 per day per hunter for hunting and lodging
Food is not provided for pets or hunters.

Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Information

Ducks, Coots and Mergansers*
November 17 - December 20, 2001
December 26, 2001 - January 20, 2002
Duck daily bag limit - 6. Limit may include no more than four mallards (no more than two of which may be hens), two wood ducks, two redheads, one black duck, three scaup, one pintail and three mottled ducks. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.

Coot daily bag limit - 15. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.

Merganser daily bag limit - 5. No more than one may be a hooded merganser. The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.

*Canvasback season
January 1 - 20, 2002 and during Special Youth Waterfowl Hunt Daily bag limit - 1 (counts as part of the duck daily bag limit) Possession limit - 2

Snow, Blue and Ross?Goose
November 7, 2001 - January 31, 2002 Daily bag limit - 20 No possession limit.

White-fronted Goose
November 7, 2001 - January 31, 2002 Daily bag limit - 2 Possession limit - 4

Canada Goose
January 9 - 31, 2002 Daily bag limit - 2 Possession limit - 4