{Disclaimer This Roleplay was written by me Ashley, this has nothing to do with Edge or Lita from the WWE and this is not a fan web site ither. Please do not steal anything from this RolePlay at any time. If you see anything you like on here, you may e-mail me at Lava69dx@Yahoo.com End Disclaimer}


Battle Royal

People Mentioned: Read & Find Out!

Titles Held:

None Yet!

+ Lita Soon To Be Women*s Champ! +

[1] [Backstage]

...:::... The camera is backstage in Lita's and Edge's locker room and it seems they are geting ready for their matches and then they begin to talk and they say ...:::...

+ | Lita | +

Are you almost ready to go?

- | Edge | -

Go where?

+ | Lita | +

To the ring, i'm about to talk about my match and how i'm going to be the next women*s champ here in this federation. And I thought you was going to come with me, unless not...

- | Edge | -

Well, I really don't feel like going out their if you don't mind me staying back here --

+ | Lita | +

Oh no, I don't mind.

- | Edge | -

Cool. I'm glad you got more into you, well you're thinking like the girl that I love. How you are not all down on you're self. I know you can win this match, and you WILL be the next women*s champ!

...:::... Lita smiles as the camera fades ...:::...

[2] [The Ring Area]

...:::... The fans are waiting to see what will happen next and then Lita's music hits over the PA and Lita makes her way down the ramp and she gets inside the ring and gets a mic ...:::...

Fans: Boo, Boo, Boo, Boo...

+ | Lita | +

Wow, a diva has come foward! Angel how nice it is to finally meet you! I mean how kind it was for you to come and vist, or wait, that's right you're just another diva IN my way. You tell Sable that you should be held the title. Well the title may be in better hands then Stephanie's. Do you really know who you're messing with bitch. You should go back to " whore Island " who the hell do you THINK you are telling Edge what to do bitch. I think you want him for you're self. Well to bad bitch, you better back the fuck up or get fucked up whore face. You better be more worried about you're match with ME and the other divas because bitch you're going down face first if you know what is good for you hooker. Pull me down to my level? Well at least I have a level you nasty bitch. I can't wait for this match. It's like every new diva comes here they try to DIS-RESPECT me why? Oh that's right.. i'm better then you in every day. I would of never came out here and said these things about you if we did not have a match, but you missy I hope you're ready for a BEAT down of you're life because i'm not playing around with you're plastic ways okay. I'm the real diva here and I will be damned if I will let you walk all over me bitch face. So you better get out of my face. Now Steph.. the lame women*s champ! Stephanie you never said you hated me and Edge, why do you hate Edge because he is facing you're long lost love HUnter. Aww how sad to bad bitch. Stephanie you need to learn a lesson and that lesson is that you're not the bets diva around here. You never was and you will never be. You see Stephanie you think you're like the best, well you're not. You're not really that good. That title was like handed to you, just like you're money from da-da! So Stephanie if you actually THINK i'm going to let you win. No! Steph you don't have game, you don't even have skills you're a silly fuck! I would shut up with the fat jokes if you would lose weight bitch! Steph I can think of new stuff I do it because I know it gets to you. SO Stephanie i'm not going to worry because you're are the sad one who keeps bring it up! Why would I need to hire someone to write jokes? I don't even tell them, thats how smart you are. You are stupid oh my gosh you are stupid! REALLY their are other divas shit face? Wow, I had no clue, if you would hear what I say, I said I would no say a word about other people IN this match unless they say somthing, because I will not waste my time, I mean where are the hlaf of the wrestlers at anyways? I don't see Victoria or anyone, but that bitch and you Stephanie and me, so why would I talk about anyone else, let them show their face and we will see wats happend.

STEPHANIE show all the footage you want, that is OLD it's history Stephanie you're so lame, I could do the same stuff but I rather NOT waste my time. Stephanie i'm not going to let you get to me, you're just a kid, and you beat me, how? i'm not sure but i'm really sure i'm not going to allow that to happen again. Stephanie the fact of the matter is their will be ONE winner, and that winner will be me, if you like it or not. Their is no bigger name then me, so the fan would rather have me as the women*s champ because i'm stonger and i'm better in the ring I have great skills and talents. What do you have Steph? That's right NOTHING because that's what you are a nothing.. a lame for short so Steph did you take you're own advice and go to the gym? Hmmm NO I don't think you did. Stephanie you can talk all you want but once that bell rings you will HAVE TO BACK UP every word you say, so STEPH get ready because you're title is on the line if you knew that! Stephanie this is not a joke like you are. I'm not playing theses head games with you. I'm worth more. I'm a better person then you think. Man, Steph I feel alseep after you gave you're long talk about HOW you're going to beat me and WHY! Steph my " facts " are right. Steph " you're BEST BETTR GET A LOT FUCKING BETTER, or you will feel alot fucking WORSE!" So Steph and Angel get and others get ready!

...:::... Lita smiles as she dropes the mic and the camera fades ...:::...

][ Camera Fades Back On ][

[3] [The Interview]

$ | Jim Ross | $

Lita.. Lita hello may I have a word with you please about you're match and a few other things.. I will not take much of you're time just about you're match LIta --

+ | Lita | +

Sure, make it fats please Jim.

$ | Jim Ross | $

I sure will. Now you said that you will beat Stephanie, and Stephanie and everyother diva should ' their best better get a lot fucking better or they will feel alot fucking worse ' what did you mean?

+ | Lita | +

Jim, you're a smart guy right?

$ | Jim Ross | $

Yes.. yes I am miss --

+ | Lita | +

Well what do you think it means, it means that they are really NOTHING to me, you see Stephanie is nothing, she may have beat me once, okay that's really IN the past so she needs to shut the hell up about that. I know, Angel don't think she is geting this title because she is not worth 2 cents! BUT me, i'm high class i'm great and i'm wonderful! I should be the women*s champ because i'm better!

$ | Jim Ross | $

Well that's a good point. But Lita you say that Stephanie think's she is the best, Lita the way you talk out in the ring, you are the one who acts like you are better then every other diva.

+ | Lita | +

Jim, you just did not say that. Look, that's just the way I talk alright, i'm not going to stand in the ring and lie to all them fans, what you see is what you mother f-n get okay. I'm not a fake i'm so real that you or anyone like Steph can't stand me. When I say I will do somthing I do it. I may act like i'm the best because i'm the best! I go out their and best my ass and show the fans around the world and everyone else how good I am ... That's the truth Mr. Ross if their was one.

$ | Jim Ross | $

Lita I see where you geting from but...

...:::... Lita gets pissed and says ...:::...

+ | Lita | +

NO! YOu stop their I'M TIRED OF THIS. Everyone thinks i'm some type of joke! I'm not. I'm Lita i'm queen of xtreme, i'm a better wrestler then any other their today. I'm better then any of the divas here. I'm fucking great! Now you're pissing me off Ross okay. I'm usually not this rude to people like you, but you know what Jim i'm tired of people trying to put me down, you have no right. You don't know what it's like to get in that ring and get ready up for what? Some times you have to ask, sometimes for NOTHING! But for me, it's my life my dream. You know what the hell i've been threw bitch! You are nothing but a low life fucker. You and everyone else will see just how great I really am!

...:::... Lita looks at Jim Ross and then she just walks away ...:::...

[4] [The Locker Room]

...:::... The camera comes on as Lita walks into her locker room and Edge jumped as he was looking at somthing and he threw it back into his pocket. And Lita give him this look and she says ...:::...

+ | Lita | +

What are you doing?

- | Edge | -

Nothing, siting here watching you on the TV and waiting for you to come back why?

+ | Lita | +

I mean, what did you put in you're pocket?

- | Edge | -

Oh that was just trash, it was nothing Lita.

+ | Lita | +

If it was trash why don't you throw it away then?

- | Edge | -

I don't know, I just seen you and I was so happy, but who -- I will be back in a few. I have to go to the ring and talk about my match so.. see you in a few. Lita bye love ya!

+ | Lita | +

But Edge wait I ...

...:::... Edge smiles as the camera fades...:::...

[5] [Edge's Ring Time]

...:::... The fans are waiting then Edge's music hits over and the fans are booing as some of the fans are going wild. Edge makes his way down the ramp and gets inside the ring gets a mic ...:::...

- | Edge | -

Well, it's my turn to come out here and talk about my match. That's all I hear, Triple H is the game, i'm the game i'm better i'm going to be the champ. Oh Triple H shut that hole IN you're face dude! Triple H you ONLY THINK you will become the World Heavweight Champion. Because their can only be one winner IN this match, and Triple H, that winner is NOT you dude! Triple H how many times have you won the title. I'm not sure YOU HAVE NOT SAID IT LIKE 1000 TIMES say it once more please. Triple H, you remind me of Stephanie because you BOTH come out here and say the same crap over and over! Triple H, all you are is talk. I'm not really worried about wat you say. The reason I came out here when you was talking before because I did not want the fans to feel sorry for you when I dogged you're ass out ass wipe! Triple H you are a sorry peice of a man, I feel sorry for you're girl friend bitch I mean Triple H, i'm going to beat you so bad fuck face you will not be sure what has hit you. Triple H how many matches have you won? 2.. I have won none because this will be MY 1st match, and I will shut up you're face and I will win, and I will show you how great you really are, you will be in the bathroom cryibg like a 10 year old girl when their father walked out of the house because the mother is a fat pig! Triple H, do you even understand what i'm saying. I kind of feel like Lita where people don't quite understand me! I mean Triple H i'm am for real here, do you get me? I am not leaving that ring UNLESS I am champ! Triple H I will not leave that ring unless I PIN you! Not Johnny YOU! Triple H i'm so tired of running around in circles with you! It's the same crap all the time. Triple H when will I get it threw you're head that you're not the best, so what you won a few matches with easy guys wow, anyone can do that. Triple H who do you think you are really. You a big nose fuck. By the way are you and Steph together? I mean.. you seen to be talking about her alot. What's the deal? Wait, I don't really wanna know. You're not cool triple H, you're gay, you a waste of my time. Triple H, I will walk down that ramp get into this ring and get IN you're face and beat the hell out of you and Johnny and then pin YOU and then it shall be over!

That's right Triple H. That's the bottom line my friend. Now John, Johnny asshole seed, where the hell are you? You want to get fired? This is you're shot to show how great you really are, or are not what ever, Johhny you are a class act where are you? Who cares, I mean I will beat you anyways. Because i'm way better then you IN and any way shape or from shit face! SO Johhny you better be ready because i'm coming I know what I need to do, and I will show you how great I am. SO Johhny show up and I will show you what the hell i'm about, I know that i'm great because i'm with Edge! SO Johnny bring you're apples because you may need them, OH and find you're balls because you may need a new set! So get ready fucker you're so next!

...:::... Edge smiles and the camera fades down ...:::...

[6] [Backstage Alone]

...:::... Camera comes back on as Edge stopes at his and Lita's locker room door and takes the thing he was look at out and it was in a case, he smiled and closed it. And walks into the locker room as the door closed and the camera fades down to a break ...:::...

: * Lita & Edge Rule * :