Danielle's Homepage
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These are some of my Senior Pictures...
Sweetness...That would be Me!
This is me and Baby Derek...
This is me in the hall at school, posing for a picture taken by Yearbook Staff...
This is my friend, Chelsey, and me on her front porch...
This is a picture of my hair, before I left for my Jr. Prom...
This is also before we left for prom, all dressed up...Left to Right: Clint, ME, Chelsey, and Chad...
This is one of Clint's Senior Pictures, with me.
Finally, last but not least, is a picture of Me and Clint, on our Wedding Day, May 24th, 2003.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I did this in a hurry because it all got deleted, it will be fixed nicer later, so come back again!
Made By: Danielle Layne Thomas June 26th, 2003.