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Winston is 11 months old, has all his shots (rabies is due again in December) and is part German Shepherd, part Blue Heeler and part Border Collie. He's about the size of a German Shepherd and has the color of a Heeler. He weighs 60lbs. Very smart and very hyper if he doesn't get much attention. If he's kept inside, he's a very calm dog. We kept him inside with another dog, but the other dog was too crazy so we put them both back outside. He loves to fetch and has learned to sit, but has trouble staying down since he's so excited when we play with him. If he's left alone outside, he only needs about ten minutes of playing fetch and then he's ready to lay down and he's pretty calm. He's good with kids, (ours are 7, 5 and 2....the two year old is his best friend and stays outside with him sometimes for 2 hours at a time) and rarely barks. Tui is at least part Siamese, if not full blood. She wandered up on our doorstep so we kept her. Very, very good inside cat. Absolutely will not go to the bathroom on the carpet. Is litter box trained. Eats wet and dry food. Prefers to drink from the toilet. Go figure. The kittens are mostly white and very pretty. One male and one female. Very, very playful. Kittens eat wet food and sometimes a little bit of dry food. My wife has become disabled and I work too much to play with these animals. My kids are normal kids and would rather play with their friends than dogs and cats. Winston comes with that big 3'x3'x4' doghouse that's insulated with R-board. Tui comes with a food bowl and litter box. Adult dog and adult cat come with whatever food is left when we get rid of them. Kittens come with a few toys.

Tui (pronounced Two-E and she usually doesn't look this evil)
Kittens, Slasher and Star
Winston's doghouse, insulated
