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((the camera opens to a nice looking offwhite office with a big black sofa and two cherry red wood chairs there is a big cherry red wood desk with papers, pencils,pens books, a tape recorder and there are some filing cabinets and a comfy black chair behind the desk and in that chair sits a man who looks to be about 25 with nice blonde hair and wire rim glasses not a bad looking man about 6' blue eyes and the guy is wearing jeans and a nice button down blue shirt and is writing something on a pad of paper when he is interupted by a knock on the wooden door the man stops writing puts his pen down and looks up towards the door))

Guy: come in please I've been waiting for you

((the door pushes open and in walks a beautiful woman wearing a red leather skirt and matching tank top followed by a blonde haired man wearing a pink and silver top unbuttoned with matching pants the man behind the desk pushes away form the desk and stands up and shakes their hands))

Guy: Hello Mr. Jericho...Ms. Stratus my name is Doug and I'm so honored that you let me have this interview with you

0o0 TRISH 0o0 well it looks like you need some Stratusfaction and you damn lucky we are doing this interview Chris is a very busy man being larger then life

Doug: I understand can I get you anything something to eat or drink?

0o0 TRISH 0o0 yea a strawberry yogurt and not just any kind it has to be the best because I am Trish Stratus and one of your most expensive waters

((Trish makes herself at home and takes a seat on the big black comfy sofa and watches to see what Jericho will do))

~~Chris Jericho~~ C'mon you assclown, we don't have all day here! We're The King and Queen of the World, dammit!

((Doug walks over to the door and cals to his assistant and the red hair woman walks off to get what Trish asked for as Jericho sits next to Trish on the balck sofa Doug walks around his desk and sits back down and the assistant walks over to Trish and hands her what she asked for and quickly leaves Doug turns on the tape recorder and gets a pen and begins to write))

Doug: what's it like being in wrestling Trish?

0o0 TRISH 0o0 it's something that I've always wanted to do something I can't desrcibe not like I want to it's what I'm paid for I get to go out night after night put my Stratusfying body on the line and show the women I'm not a diva to be messed with I'm a bitch and if you mess with me you'll be living in hell and I'll be the one sending you there

~~Chris Jericho~~ What's in like being in wrestling? C'mon, I already have my own interview show on Smackdown! don't make me have to show you my hosting skills here, too. Why don't you try asking something interesting, you jerknut?

Doug: okay Jericho...Trish your a beautiful lady why did you turn your back on your fans and join {saying it with disgust} Chris Jericho?

~~Chris Jericho~~ Alright you sanctimonious son of a bitch! This interview is over, you want a piece of me?

0o0 TRISH 0o0 Chris calm down he's not worth it he's just jealous your the huge rock star you are and he's not

:: Jericho waves his hand in disgust and looks out the window. ::

0o0 TRISH 0o0 now Doug you want to ask me why? That's none of your damn buisness to be quite honest I'm a bad bad girl living a lie I was so sick of being Miss Sweet the girl everyone cheered for when the fans did this to themselves and now you want to ask me why Chris? Why the hell not I mean look at him he's a huge rock start king of the world larger then life he's got the talent the looks the body and is the only one who deserves to be Stratusfied I mean look at him you just want to grab him and be bad

((Trish gives Jericho a look like she wants him bad))

:: Jericho turns back to Doug with a smirk on his face, nodding his head. ::

~~Chris Jericho~~ Does that answer your question, Dave?

Doug: my name is Doug it's a good thing you can wrestle you sure don't have any brains

~~Chris Jericho~~ Trish, you let me know when you're done with this idiot so I can toss him out the window.

((Trish giggles and leans forward to pick up her bottle of water and Doug looks down her top))

:: Jericho slaps the taste out of his mouth. ::

~~Chris Jericho~~ Do that again Dirk, and it'll be a lot more painful, I promise that.

:: Jericho puts his arm around Trish an keeps and eye on Doug. ::

Doug: Trish your form Canada right? would you rather live here or there?

0o0 TRISH 0o0 there of course because if I lived here I would have to put up with losers like you day in and day out and I would end up having to beat a lot of people up

:: Y2J laughs, nodding. ::

Doug: Trish what has happend to you you used to have nice interviews and now you have an attitude problem

0o0 TRISH 0o0 Attitude? Your the one giving Chris and I attitude and your job depends on this interview so you better wisen up

:: Jericho leans in close to Doug's face. ::

~~Chris Jericho~~ Yea, Dick. What she said.

Doug: I can't believe you like this guy Trish

0o0 TRISH 0o0 well you know what Dougy you better get used to it and take a few pointers because in the short time we were here he showed many reasons why I do he has been a gentleman stood up for me and like I said just look at him he just turns me on makes me melt unlike you Doug wait a minute...I shook your hand your hand is the only action you'll ever get you probably didn't wash it from the last time how gross! You know Chris has millions of girls fighting over him you only have two miss right and miss left

:: Jericho tries to hold his laughter back but can't. ::

~~Chris Jericho~~ Boy oh boy you've really pissed her off, Dan! Why don't you try asking some more WRESTLING questions?

Doug: I haven't seen her wrestle once since she has joined up with you

0o0 TRISH 0o0 that's not true Chris and I wrestled in the limo on the way to this interview from hell

~~Chris Jericho~~ Oh, and let me tell you it was one of the most exciting matches of my career.

0o0 TRISH 0o0 Dan you must feel like a real...a real...whats the word I'm looking for Chris?

~~Chris Jericho~~ Assclown? Moron? Jerkass? Loser? Shawn Michaels fan? They're all pretty much the same.

0o0 TRISH 0o0 so true you must feel like all of them because your just so wrong about everything your wrong all over the place maybe you should go back home to your moms basement and miss left and miss right because this interview is over you know nothing about Trish Stratus and you have no right telling me who or who I can't be with I'm Trish the dish Stratus I'll do whatever the hell I want and right now I'm leaving because you've done something you don't want to do and that's piss me off

~~Chris Jericho~~ How you like them apples, Dirt?

Doug: I'm not giving you the pay check for this interview this isn't an interview it's a damn whore and her pimp siting here insulting me

((Doug takes the paychecks for both Jericho and Trish and turns on the paper shredder and is about to put them through))

:: Jericho jumps up and grabs Doug's hands. ::

~~Chris Jericho~~ Now THAT was a big mistake. Never mess with The King's bling bling. Show him, Trish.

((Trish walks over to Doug showing off her body and he gets really excited and she gives him a bulldog off his chair and he lays there out))

:: Jericho spits on Doug then puts his arm around Trish. ::

((Trish and Jericho leave and go out to the limo))