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welcome to jonesboro halo


haloPC info


halo tricks

other games


hacking halo





join the halo jb list and get email for tournaments etc.




sat oct 18


had and idea for a quick cap on timberland, it worked, i recorded it and boom another HBO news spot. check out the video here.

wed oct 1

time to rock

fri sept 12

"Expect an announcement about the release date of Halo PC sometime in the next 1 to 4 days."

 official statement from gearbox


thurs sept 11

always remember... HALO MOVIES!! oh yeah baby check out the PCbetaMEGG, its in the halo tricks section, if you dont know what the megg is, click here.


tues sept 9

well omg a little halo beta has leaked. come to my house, i will burn you a copy, or get that sucker on irc, or the slow, yet sure bitorrent.

in the meantime, check out these shots! (available in haloPC info section)

mon sept 8

sun sept 7

nice site update, changed some links up, gettting ready for HALO PC. omg 11 items left before goldness...


wed sept 3







if you dont know what youre looking at, its a page for upcoming  halo tournaments in jonesboro AR.

odds are you know what this is, if you dont , here is a good site for you.

email for info:

Last Update: Saturday October 18, 2003 11:55 PM