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This page is dedicated to my son Dustin Basso
Born 4/13/87
Died on 1-24-04.

Dustin was only 17 years old when God took him home. His death shattered my whole World. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. He was my fishing buddy, my hunting partner and most of all my friend. He loved hunting and fishing, elk hunting was his favorite. I miss him in a big way. But I’m a firm believer that Jesus died and rose again and is now in Heaven at Gods right hand. And I also believe with all my heart that Dustin will be in Heaven when I arrive.

A sister’s touch, A mothers kiss
A grieving Father, Son you're greatly missed

An empty house, An empty chair
A sons smile, No longer there
A broken heart, Tear filled eye
Another soul to fill the sky

Many memories in my mind
Some I laugh, Some I cry
The times we shared, The things we seen
Things I miss when I think of Bean

Realizing that's all I have to hold on too
Only memories, Of what once was you
Missing your laugh, I will never again hear
That is the reality that fills me with fear

No more smile on your face
No more warmth of your embrace
The last hug, The last kiss
The last goodbye leaves me with one last wish

To have you Son, here today
Never to leave your Dad this way
A sister’s touch, A mothers kiss
A grieving Father, Son you're greatly missed

Darkness has come I'm alone in the night
Hiding my feelings out of everyone's sight

Despair fills my soul which as a fact is quite strange
Cause my inside feels empty my feelings have changed

I'm so sad and confused feel like a lost little girl
I feel like an oyster with out its pearl
I'll never forget and will always love you
But we'll meet again this I know is true

This is something I feel my Son wants me to say,
Because he is no longer with me and has gone away.

Many times I've wanted to tell you this but never got a chance;
you helped me out in life no matter what the circumstance.

Thank you Grandma for the lunch money each day,
Thank you for each time you felt for me, you should pray.

I looked up to you Grandma and I love you very much,
don’t know what it would have been like without your loving touch.

The compassion you have for other people is hard to comprehend,
you were not only just my Grandmother but forever my friend.

But I’m looking down wondering why you’re all so sad,
You, my mom, and of course my dad.

I know you miss me but try and understand,
Long ago God already had everything planned.

So please don’t be sad and smile for me,
It may be hard but can’t you see.

I’m here with Jesus now and He’s holding my hand,
I’m here with Him in the promise land.

Don’t tell me you know how I feel
You can’t imagine the pain I feel
Or how my heart is now a bruise

Don’t tell me I have other children to care for
I do but that won’t bring back my son
He held a special place in my heart
That no one can replace no not one

Don’t tell me to get out of the house
Maybe I just want to stay here and mourn
I don’t expect you to understand
How bad my heart has been torn

Don’t tell me it will get better in time
Don’t you think that would be my intent
It’s been nine months and its not happening
I still go through each day with this torment

Don’t tell me to try to get some sleep
Don’t you think I want to sleep
I often lie in bed staring off in space
Thinking about him and just weep

Don’t tell me all this
you haven’t walked in my shoes
Do pray for me.
That is all I ask.

He wakes to the sound of hearing his child
Just another dream and far from being mild
He curls back under his sheets
And here the imaginary world is complete

He imagines the fun times and laughter galore
Fishing and hunting and so much more
It all comes to an abrupt halt
He starts thinking was it his fault

He looks up at his sons picture into his eyes
He solemnly looks down and silently cries
He feels such pain his body is numb
He was his son his friend his chum

Crouching beside the bed he silently prays
That the pain will subside he feels in these days
The room Is silent and he feels so alone
But this is not how it’s always been in this home

He wonders if from this he will ever rebound
Or if it will haunt him to the ground
He remembers telling family on the phone
Couldn’t hardly speak just kind of a moan

His hands trembled as he made the call
Please let this be a dream that will change it all
But it’s not a dream it’s his worst fear
Dear God this is all so unclear

I buried my son the other day
My soul burns with pain
No longer will I see his face
Or laugh with him again

I buried my son the other day
God, where did I go wrong
To have him die so young
When my faith in you is so strong

I buried my son the other day
My head fells like a Childs rattle
I can't walk this path alone
Every day is a new battle

I buried my son the other day
He was only seventeen
He had many, many friends
and they all called him Bean

If only somehow I could make him see
How very much he meant to me

Why won't the sorrow disappear
Why can't I stop shedding the tears

I seldom told him how much I cared
how much I enjoyed the things we shared

He was young
His life had just begun

All of a sudden it was taken away
Wish I could have said the things I wanted to say

Wish I would have got to see
How he would have grown up to be

Thinking about the times we shared,
Memories that could never be compared.

I look at your picture and a smile becomes a spark,
then I remember what happened and that smile turns dark.

For so many nights I’ve cried in vain,
because I can hardly bare this pain.

You had so many talents so many dreams to fill,
but now you lie in silence so peaceful and still.

You look like you were in a deep, deep sleep,
I remember hugging your Mom as she began to weep.

No one has ever seen someone so sad,
my heart aches oh so bad.

They say memories are golden
And that may be true
I never wanted memories
I only wanted you

In life I loved you dearly
In death I Love you still
In my heart you hold a place
No one could ever fill

Wish I could turn back the hands of time
In months it would add up to be nine
My emotions I try and conceal
You can't imagine all the pain I feel

Thinking about the day I lost my friend
Try to block it out but it comes again
This is one thing I hope you see
Its hard to express what you mean to me

Our family chain has been broken
And nothing seems the same
But as God calls us one by one
The chain will link again

This is something I feel my son would want me to say,
sense he is no longer here and has gone away.
I seen you all the other afternoon,
I seen you at my funeral holding that balloon.
I’m here with Jesus now and I’m looking down,
wanting to see you smile and not frown.
I want to see you again but there’s only one way,
and I would like to tell you if I may.
It’s not hard at all and this is how it begins,
ask Jesus to come in to your life and wash away all your sins.
Ask Him to change what’s wrong and make it right,
please do this for me please do it tonight.
Because I want to see you again and there’s only one way,
please talk to Jesus and please don’t delay.

I’m not to happy any more
my personality is getting bleak
Don’t feel much like smiling no more
Don’t even want to speak

Help me dear Lord from above
I've been thinking of only myself
If someone got to close them I would shove
I put all other emotions on a shelf

I wish I could make someone see
I wish I could make someone comprehend
I just want someone to see
How it feels to lose my son and my friend

You can’t feel the pain
I have bared
nor the emptiness that comes
With losing him whom I so cared
You don’t know how
many times I’ve wept
How many countless dreamless
Nights that I have not slept
So don’t think I do not feel
Because you see no tears
A river rages deep inside
Of grief, and loss, and fears
Just because I do not cry now
Don’t think my heart’s not broken
I keep inside the misery
Of words not to be spoken
Sometimes I smile or crack a joke
So you won’t see my pain
Or notice how my hands will shake
Or how I feel like I’m going insane
Each time I think of him
My heart is ripped asunder
The loss I feel is mine alone
You will not see my thunder

You doing alright?
No not at all
Will you win this fight?
God picks me up when I fall

Does it make you just want to scream
This all is hard to swallow
Ever think it’s all a dream?
My dreams are all now hollow.

I see your writing him a letter,
It’s only for him to read,
Does it make you feel better
It does indeed

I’ve never lost a child
And I hope you never do
It’s got to be pretty wild
You haven’t got a clue

You’ll feel better in time
My head hasn’t been to clear
Your gonna be just fine
Wish I could just disappear

Need a shoulder to cry on
I cry when I’m alone
You seem to be withdrawn
Just can’t believe he’s gone

In a year or two you’ll be okay
That’s easy for you to say
I to have been sad and in dismay
Ever had your heart decay

Day by day the pain only escalated
It’s harder than I anticipated

It only gets more and more complicated
What life has just demonstrated

I’d deeply appreciate
I’d even celebrate

If you could take all the strife
From me and my wife

And give us back the part of us we once had
And now is gone that’s our little lad

He was our friend our son our boy
We miss him he is our pride and joy

We’ll give anything no matter the price
Anything we have and not think twice

Even if it’s only for a minute to say goodbye
Will someone do this for us will you please try

Were you a good example?

You young lady who knew this sweet young man,
What kind of example were you in the race he ran

What kind, good, bad or did you just go with the peer pressure
Did you help him on his journey or were you just the lesser

Of the light he needed to guide his way
Search your life, your conscience, habits, and that day
Think back were you a good example Or did you try to lead him astray

You young man, smoking, drugs, drinking, pornography God knew
In would walk Dustin, don’t tell me you Didn’t have a clue

Oh that was awhile back in my life you say
I quit some of that life style, it didn’t matter anyway

Oh yes but it did for teen-age eyes to see
He said “if it was OK with you then it must be OK with me”

You were my example that’s why I was there that day
Maybe I’d be here if your example had not led me astray

Grandma Ann

I was thinking about you today
And thought I’d write and say hey
I miss you in the biggest way
Going to leave this at your grave to display

Sister has your favorite hoody hanging on her wall
I think it’s the one ya bought at the mall
She is still short wishing she was tall
She hasn’t a chance of being nothing but small

Mister moved back a month ago
He sure misses you and says hello
He’s getting big and a punch he sure can throw
They hurt just ask me I know

Your mom says hi, she is doing well
As long as it’s the past she doesn’t dwell
She’s still working at the casino and hotel
She works twenty minutes and then sets a spell

And as for me well some days I’m in total dismay
I’ll go up to your grave and pray
And thank God your with Him today
And that somehow makes me feel okay

I miss you son








Son I'll see you when I get to Heaven.

One Year After Dustins Death.
