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Why Me?


My other site
Chlex Fanfic

Ok this is my first try at this Angelfire thing and I'm already having a headache. Now let's see if this does at least work somehow

Ok it does kinda work, but I just know it's gonna take me ages before I can get a real hand on this, so bear with me, or...well since nobody visits this site anyway *shrugs*

Ok me thinks I'm getting the hang of this thingie slooowly now let me see if I could figure this link thing out right... Hmmm seems yes, the link thing works. Now the thing is how to make the sites look like I actually want them and not piss off anyone, because I had an account before and it was removed and I didn't even know WHY? Sorry I'm rambling, but anyway I think I have to change something more, fiddle around with this thing. Why can't they have something like pagebuilder here? *pouts*

Heh I added yet more. I'm using the advanced mode now and try my hand at the HTML with a lot of help from a friend and cheating. I added a music vid in the artworks section, made by a friend of mine so go and download it *makes shooing motions*