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Welcome to Erica's Corner

Things I will have in my web page!

My Favorite Web Sites

WebGizmos Tuorial
Names you never knew existed
Words of Wisdom Quick Keys
Dreaming Minds
The Dream Chimney
Awesome kids Library K-12

Welcome to my Webpage. I will have alot of
great things for you to see and to do. I hope
you have a wonderful time here. I will add new
things all the time so you may want to put
this in your favorites files. Please do come
again and bring a friend if you would like.
Thank you for stopping by now on with the fun

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When were you born?

Dumb Daily Warning
If your wrist watch has more computing power
than a 486DX-50
If you can remember 7 computer passwords but
not your anniversary
If you introduce your wife as "woman@home.wife"
If your wife sends you an e-mail instead of
calling you to dinner
If you can quote scenes from any Monty Python movie
If you can name 6 Star Trek episodes
If the only jokes you receive are through e-
If your idea of good interpersonal
communication means getting the decimal point
in the right place
If you use a CAD package to design your
nephews Pine Wood Derby car
If your ideal evening consists of fast-
forwarding through the latest sci-fi movie
looking for technical inaccuracies
If you have "Dilbert" comics displayed
anywhere in your work area
If you carry on a one-hour debate over the
expected results of a test that actually takes
five minutes to run
If you are convinced you can build a phazer
out of your garage door opener and your
camera's flash attachment
If you have modified your can-opener to be
microprocessor driven
If you have ever taken the back off your TV
just to see what's inside
If a team of you and your co-workers have set
out to modify the antenna on the radio in your
work area for better reception
If you have ever saved the power cord from a
broken appliance
If you have ever purchased an electronic
appliance "as-is"
If you see a good design and still have to
change it
If the salespeople at Circuit City can't
answer any of your questions
If you still own a slide rule and you know how
to work it
If the thought that a CD could refer to fiance
never enters your mind
If you have a functioning home copier machine,
but every toaster you own turns bread into
If you have more toys than your kids
If you need a spreadsheet to turn on the TV
If you have introduced your kids by the wrong
If you have a habit of destroying things in
order to see how they work
If your I.Q. number is bigger than your weight
If the microphone or visual aids at a meeting
don't work and you rush up to the front to fix
If you have ever owned a calculator with no
equal key and know what RPN stands for
If your father sat 2 inches in front of your
family's first color TV with a magnifying lens
to see how they made the colors, and you grew
up thinking that was normal
If you can type 70 words a minute but can't
read your own handwriting
If you can't remember where you parked your
car for the 3rd time this week
If you did the sound system for your senior
If your wristwatch has more buttons than a
If you have more friends on the Internet tha
in real life
If you thought the real heroes of "Apollo 13"
were the mission controllers
If you know what http:/ stands for
If you've ever tried to repair a $5.00 radio
If your three year old son asks why the sky is
blue and you try to explain atmospheric
absorption theory
If your 4 basic food groups are:
1. Caffeine
2. Fat
3. Sugar
4. Chocolate
Hope ya had fun reading this!

Looking for an exchange student...Well Look no
further We have an exchange student this year
in our home She is from Cologne,Germany Her
name is Nina Balfer,and a great person,we
really enjoy having her in our home,
and we are learning from each others culture.
If you
are wanting to know how to get an exchange
studentvisit the following

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