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East.Coast.Production News

SOON TO BE STRIKE BACK BMX. we will have a changed up site and a new domain name. We'll keep you posted.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

WELL, A few of us got a lot of riding in this past week, including Dennis and I. Found a few spots and did some crazy stuff, like me saving this bird.(click to enlarge)

We saw some nice riding from Dennis like this here picture. (click to enlarge)

Dennis also decided to "borrow" a little something from a local drug store and rode with it for a little with a few other people.(click to enlarge)

On the opposite side of riding, we are all thinkin about an online store but no one knows for sure what will happen. So in the mean time, We've updated with some rider gallery pics and bike checks, so have a look around.
-Matt Pommell

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Summer is going by slowly and so is the riding. Our trails are pretty much ruined and we are runnin out of new places to ride. Hopefully we will be able to get some pictures up by the next update, possibly a video. We'll see what happens.

Wenesday, June 8, 2005

Been a LONG time since the last update. No one here has really been doing too much riding latley, or been out to the trails for that matter. Anyway, I found out the other day that there is information about our trails at, so go there and do a trails search and type Capitol Homes. It gives some pretty detailed information, so check it out.

Monday, May 9, 2005

Well, here is the first update for the new site. We are East Coast Production (not DEstruction and we ride BMX. Eddie Laurie is the founder and leader of ECP and pretty much got all of us here into riding BMX. Anyway, this site is still obviously being worked on so please be patient for the next month or so. We will soon have the store running, where you can buy ECP stickers and in the future maybe even t-shirts. In the mean time, please support one of Edd's sponsors Bastard On Wheels by visiting and visit our friends over at Mafia by going to Thank you for visiting, now go tell all of your friends about us.

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