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Where can the latest version be downloaded?


I would like to help. Is there anything I can do?

Any help is appreciated. Firstly, consult this page to find out what work still needs to be done, or browse our sub-forum for a related thread (It is not very big so please take the time and try not to clutter it up with duplicate threads that make it harder to find good information later.). Secondly, ask/offer what you know or can do. If you can't code, then suggest events or a way certain things should be done. Be polite and have a good reason behind your suggestion (good support like links and books are a great help). If you know nothing or little about the era and don't have time to go looking up, but you want to help, we shall require beta testers for when the beta/alpha is ready to ensure that the quality of the mod improves. If you can code, there will be plenty for you to do.

What year does the mod start and end?

Start date: January 1st, 1914, as this gives players a small bit of time to adjust their country to their playing style before the war, but keeps the AI from deviating too much. (It should be noted that this date may move later into 1914, if beta testing shows that the AI becomes to erratic.)

End date: January 1st, 1925, as it allows for an unhistorically long war, and the completion of the Russian revolution.

What are the alliances?

Central Alliance (in 1914) - Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
The Entente (in 1914) - France and Russia
The Comintern - Soviet Union (in the event of revolution in 1917)

How will trench warfare be modelled?

By combining high defence values, with lower attack values. This way, battles tend to be longer and based around attrition. Certain technologies will increase the attack values to make attacks more efficient, but the same can be said of defensive technology. From an historical perspective, it can be argued that the battles of 1918 were more akin to the battles of 1940, than those of 1914. Additionally, certain territories will be given extra fortifications after a few months of war to represent the passing of mobile war and the advent of trench deadlock.

How have countries' starting borders been decided upon?

The borders have been based on historical atlases, and are as accurate as we could make them.
Unfortunately, the large size of HoI provinces does mean that we have had to make compromises on occasion. Some of the most obvious are:
Metz - the city of Metz was under German control in 1914, but most of the HoI province of this name was in France. We have therefore given the province to France. Additionally, if Germany were to have Metz province, they would be able to attack Belgium from the south, which would technically supersede the necessity of implementing the Schlieffen Plan.
Krakow - similar problem. Krakow was Austrian, but most of the province was Russian-controlled so we have allocated it to Russia.
Thessaloniki - again, this area was split between Greece and Bulgaria in 1914. We chose to give the province to Bulgaria to prevent Greece having a direct land border with Turkey, and so that the Bulgarians could have an outlet to the sea.

What has happened to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa?

During the First World War these dominions had domestic self-government, but their foreign policy was still fully under British control. Their troops also fought as an integrated part of the British army. Therefore, the United Kingdom has been combined with her dominions into a single entity called the 'British Empire'.

How is the Armenian Genocide being simulated?

It isn't because it is against Paradox policy to have 'gulags or deathcamps' in the game or any additional modifications. The full policy is here

Why doesn't X country have more manpower? I run out of MP in 1914, but they fought all the way through 1918

See the 'Manpower' thread.