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Pardon me, do you have any grey poupon ? Oh yeah and welcome to Shelli's lil' place on the intarnet.

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Favorite Web Sites

Disgruntled Housewife
Free Web Building Help
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

Sit a spell..take your shoes off..Yall come back now..Ya hear ?


Okay here is where U put your updates and blah blah stuff lol.If you dont already know,you are susposed to position your mouse at the up and down picture to read updates that are long.Make sure you sure the entire code,dont you try to remove my link, I will hunt you down.Yes,seriously, hahaha!

Thanks Mitsiki for the update box! is created to satisfy your dollie needs!Visit us!! Scrollbar by