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 Paint Shop Pro Tutorials 2008

April - June


Many thanks to all the tutorial writers for providing their inspiration and hard work in using Paint Shop Pro. To view any of the tutorials, click on the graphic which will link you to the respective author's tutorial.  Please read the terms and abide by the rules of the artists.  Most of these tutorials are now in newer versions of Paint Shop Pro,, however some still can be done in Version 7.


April 2008


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Yo- You're Breaking My Heat Forever Fallen Floral Scrap Marlene
Version 8/9/10 Versions 8/9/10 Versions 8/9/10 Versions 8/9/10


May 2008


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4



Time High Society Mother's Day Polka Dot Tag
Versions 8/9/10 Versions 8/9/10 Version  9/10 All Versions


Flower Girl

Versions 9/10


June 2008


Week 1

Shall We Dance
Versions 8/9/10

Site closed from July to October 2008 - Moving /New Server Change

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