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July 31st 2002 - Bill

The visitor's graphic gallery has been beefed up a bit thanks to Dylan (Pinto) and Mawani. And, my email's not working right, so you'll have to use the hotmail one for now.


July 28th 2002 - Bill

Today there has neen a guestbook added and also a new intermediate tutorial added. I'll probably add the guestbook to all the main pages, but not all the tutorial pages, since that'll take a few hours for me to do.


July 27th 2002 - Bill

Let's see, I added graphics to both the webmaster gallery and the visitor gallery. I also updated the links page. I added a link to X-Isle. And I made a little introduction on the tutorial page, so check it out!


July 25th 2002 - Bill

A tutorial has been added in the intermediate section. I'm still looking for a lot more graphics for the gallery. I'll have 2 more either later tonight or mid-tomorrow, thanks to Reese. For now, just visit the forum. I just added another text tutorial. Text Case #2.


July 24th 2002 - Bill

I added a few graphics to the galleries today. I also added a few more links to the link page. I'm still looking for more graphics, so if you have any, send them this way. I also re-arranged the tutorial section and added some stuff to the graphic galleries again


July 22nd 2002 - Bill

I added another tutorial. It's a lightning one, but it's different than the previous lightning I did. It's just one single bolt going across the image. Should be easier to do. Don't forget to visit my forum and leave some requests or feedback there. I just added 4 images to the photography page.


July 19th 2002 - Bill

So far today I added another tutorial upon request. If you have any tutorial requests, visit my forum and let me know. I'll see what I can do. Also, if you have any graphics for the gallery, or photographs for the photo page, please send them in. (just added another photo to the photography page)


July 18th 2002 - Bill

I added another tutorial today. It's a fire text one. It's kind of hard, and may take a bit of practice, but the end result is well worth it. The guys at Anime Rebirth game me my old forum back, so feel free to visit and comment on this page.


July 17th 2002 - Bill

I split up the Graphic Gallery so that I have the"Webmaster's Gallery" (mine), and "Visitor's Gallery" (your's). So, as you can probably see, we need more graphics for your gallery, so send 'em in! P.S. A "webmaster" is the owner of a page. That's what they're called.


July 15th 2002 - Bill

New tutorial was added. It's a very very easy one for you beginners out there. If you have any requests for tutorials, please drop me a line at:


July 14th 2002 - Bill

I added a new background tutorial so far, and I might get enough time later on today to do another one. Check it out and tell me what you think. I'm also checking with some of my friends to see if I can get a few Paint Shop Pro tutorials written. It'll add a bit of diversity to the page


July 10th 2002 - Bill

I'm going to add a new feature pretty soon. It'll be "submit your own graphics/ photographs. I think it'll be a nice change to see some other artists' work on this page. For now, you can just send your graphics and/or photos to my email: Thanks a lot!


July 9th 2002 - Bill

Well, it's finally all coming together. I now have a new server (Big thanks goes out to Fallout2man and Reese), and I also have my own domain name, which as you can see is I still have lots of stuff to work on so, I'm a little busy. Hmm...I have to make a "home" button on all the pages, and I have to do some tutorial descriptions. Oh yeah, did you notice the counter?


July 3rd 2002 - Bill

Alright, I'm just working a few folds out of the layout and stuff. I'm still trying to decide how to arrange the tutorials and graphic gallery. And I took out the reviews section and added a photography section because I got a new DigiCam, so it'll be pretty easy to get content. I'll add an affiliates section to the sidebar pretty soon too. I fixed up the links a bit and I think I'll get working on CP's 'link to us" buttons too. Anyways, I'm still writing tutorials (I wrote two yesterday) so keep on checking back and leave some feedback for me so I can know what I need to improve. Thanks.

